XNXN Cube Algorithms PDF

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XNXN Cube Algorithms

XNXN Cube Algorithms

  • Beginner’s Method:
    • This is often the first method that new solvers learn. It involves solving the cube layer by layer.
    • Steps:
      1. Solve the first layer (white cross and white corners).
      2. Solve the middle layer (insert edge pieces).
      3. Solve the last layer (yellow cross, orient yellow corners, and permute the last layer).
  • CFOP Method (Fridrich Method):
    • This is the most popular method used by speedcubers.
    • Steps:
      1. Cross: Create a cross on one face, typically the white face.
      2. F2L (First Two Layers): Solve the first two layers simultaneously by pairing up corner and edge pieces.
      3. OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer): Orient the last layer pieces so that the top face is a single color.
      4. PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer): Permute the pieces of the last layer to their correct positions.
  • Roux Method:
    • This is another popular speedcubing method that focuses on fewer moves but more complex algorithms.
    • Steps:
      1. Create a 1x2x3 block on one side of the cube.
      2. Create another 1x2x3 block on the opposite side.
      3. Solve the remaining edges.
      4. Orient and permute the last corners.
  • ZZ Method:
    • This method starts with orienting all the edges and then solving the cube with block building and layer-by-layer techniques.
    • Steps:
      1. EOLine: Orient all edges while solving a line on the bottom layer.
      2. F2L: Solve the first two layers using block-building.
      3. LL (Last Layer): Solve the last layer.
  • Petrus Method:
    • This method focuses on reducing the number of moves by creating a 2x2x2 block and expanding it.
    • Steps:
      1. Build a 2x2x2 block.
      2. Expand to a 2x2x3 block.
      3. Solve the remaining edges.
      4. Complete the last layer.

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