KYP Final Exam Questions and Answers PDF

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KYP Final Exam Questions and Answers

The Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM) has launched a unique skill training programme by the name of “Kushal Yuva Program” which would enhance the employability Skills of all aspirants in the age group of 15-28 years  who have passed at least 10th Class irrespective of their having attained higher education or their currently pursuing higher education.

Kushal Yuva Programme (KYP) is a part of one of the “7 commitments” namely “Aarthik Hal, Yuvaon ko Bal”. This has been launched as a flagship programme of Bihar Skill Development Mission. Through this programme, BSDM intends to enhance the employability of the youth of Bihar.

KYP Final Exam Questions and Answers – Eligibility

  • All Candidates belonging to the age group of 15-28 years (Age limit for SC/ST, OBC & People with Disabilities is as follows: SC/ST – 33 years, OBC – 31 years, PwD – 33 years),
  • Candidate have minimum qualification as 10th pass; irrespective of the fact that the candidate is pursuing /completed any Higher Education Course/Degree will be eligible to undertake training under “Kushal Yuva Program”.
  • Apart from the above all those youth of 20-25 age group who have opted for and have been sanctioned for self-help allowance, have to compulsorily complete this training.

List of Some KYP Final Exam Questions and Answers

Here take …… folder and put it on the desk.

  • These
  • This
  • Those

I …… like to watch TV. There is good film on.

  • Was
  • Would
  • Want

Those girls always ….. to loud music.

  • Listens
  • Listen
  • Listening

My friend Anita ……. Sports.

  • Loved
  • Loves
  • Love

Tell me ….. you coming to the party?

  • Are
  • Is
  • Am

The swimming pool… at 7:00 in the Morning.

  • Opens
  • Open
  • Opening

The heritage property is always the …… hotel to stay in.

  • Most luxurious
  • More luxurious
  • Luxurious

Which is the correct sentence?

  • He feels terrible if he usually loses his temper.
  • He usually feels terrible if he loses his temper.

Good Students always …… their homework.

  • Do
  • Does
  • Doing

They ….. a cat and dog.

  • Has
  • Have
  • Having


  1. In the given document, split all the text into one column.
  2. In the given spreadsheet, insert hyperlink to the heading text ‘’magic cafe’’ and link this to “” web page.
  3. In the given worksheet, change the page orientation to landscape layout.
  4. In the given presentation, insert a new blank slide at the end.
  5. Display the given presentation in “slide sorter view”.
  6. Remove the “drop cap” effect from the given document.
  7. In the given presentation, change the line spacing of the title present on first slide (slide no1) to “2.0 lines”.
  8. In the spreadsheet, insert new worksheet after “personal monthly budget” sheet and set the name of this sheet as “budget”.
  9. In the given presentation, add two blank slides. Apply “uncover” slide transition effect and “from top” variation effect to all the slides.
  10. Add additional two slides to the existing presentation. Set the timing of slide automatically after 4 seconds for 1st slide (slide no. 1).
  11. Change the right margin of the given document to 0.6 inches.
  12. In the given presentation, delete all the image from second slide.
  13. Insert additional six slides in the given MS power point presentation. Hide third slide (slide no.3) while running slide show.
  14. Add the text “lanes town high school” to the footer and apply it to all slides.
  15. Apply “drop cap – in margin” effect to the first sentence of given document.
  16. In the given document, remove hyperlink of the word “home group”.
  17. In the given document, create a hyperlink for the text ‘project report’ to open“” web page.
  18. In the given document, apply ‘bold’ and ‘underline’ style to the third sentence.
  19. In the given MS word document, insert hyperlink to the image and link this image to “” web page.
  20. In the given worksheet, insert new worksheet and change the page orientation to landscape layout.

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