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Collective Nouns List

Collective Nouns List from A to Z

Collective nouns are words that, although treated as singular, describe a group of people, places, things or ideas. A wide variety of such words exist, but not all of them can be used in every context.

100 Examples of Collective Nouns

Collective Noun Example
A flock A flock of birds
A herd A herd of cattle
A pack A pack of wolves
A bunch A bunch of grapes
A crowd A crowd of people
A team A team of players
A swarm A swarm of bees
A school A school of fish
A pride A pride of lions
A gaggle A gaggle of geese
A colony A colony of ants
A band A band of musicians
A troop A troop of monkeys
A litter A litter of puppies
A pod A pod of dolphins
A murder A murder of crows
A parliament A parliament of owls
A bouquet A bouquet of flowers
A bunch A bunch of bananas
A clowder A clowder of cats
A shoal A shoal of fish
A cluster A cluster of stars
A fleet A fleet of ships
A forest A forest of trees
A galaxy A galaxy of stars
A hive A hive of bees
A pod A pod of whales
A quiver A quiver of arrows
A regiment A regiment of soldiers
A rookery A rookery of penguins
A string A string of pearls
A troop A troop of scouts
A range A range of mountains
A bevy A bevy of swans
An army An army of ants
A bale A bale of hay
A batch A batch of cookies
A bench A bench of judges
A board A board of directors
A brood A brood of chicks
A chest A chest of drawers
A class A class of students
A deck A deck of cards
A library A library of books
A set A set of tools
A skein A skein of geese
A slate A slate of candidates
A stack A stack of papers
A suite A suite of rooms
A bundle A bundle of sticks
A caravan A caravan of camels
A choir A choir of singers
A clump A clump of bushes
A company A company of actors
A coven A coven of witches
A crew A crew of sailors
A fleet A fleet of cars
A gang A gang of thieves
A gathering A gathering of friends
A haul A haul of fish
A heap A heap of rubbish
A host A host of angels
A leap A leap of leopards
A load A load of laundry
A nest A nest of eggs
A pack A pack of dogs
A pair A pair of shoes
A party A party of friends
A plague A plague of locusts
A raft A raft of ducks
A span A span of mules
A squad A squad of players
A team A team of oxen
A troop A troop of kangaroos
A troupe A troupe of dancers
A convoy A convoy of trucks
A bench A bench of bishops
A brood A brood of hens
A cluster A cluster of grapes
A drove A drove of cattle
A flight A flight of stairs
A horde A horde of locusts
A knot A knot of toads
A litter A litter of kittens
A plague A plague of rats
A pod A pod of seals
A raft A raft of otters
A shoal A shoal of fish
A squad A squad of soldiers
A troop A troop of giraffes
A bunch A bunch of keys
A coterie A coterie of friends
A parliament A parliament of rooks
A troop A troop of goats

Common Collective Nouns Used for People

Here are some examples of common collective nouns used for people:

  1. A class of pupils
  2. A company of actors
  3. A party of friends
  4. A coven of witches
  5. A crowd of spectators
  6. Cruft of hackers
  7. A den of thieves
  8. A panel of judges
  9. A team of athletes
  10. A crowd of people
  11. A crew of sailors
  12. A choir/group of singers
  13. A relay of runners
  14. A cavalcade of horsemen
  15. A bridge of admirals
  16. A panel of experts
  17. A faculty of professors
  18. A horde of savages
  19. A mob of gangsters
  20. A class of students
  21. A herd of wrens
  22. A patrol of policemen
  23. A flock of tourists
  24. A slate of candidates
  25. A communion of saints
  26. A bevy of girls
  27. A billow of smokers
  28. A huddle of lawyers
  29. A gang of thieves
  30. A bench of magistrates
  31. A board of directors
  32. A host of angels
  33. A bunch of crooks
  34. A body of men
  35. A party of politicians
  36. A host of friends
  37. A bevy of ladies
  38. An audience of listeners
  39. A house of senators
  40. A gang of laborers
  41. A faculty of teachers
  42. A band of musicians
  43. A platoon of soldiers

Common Collective Nouns Used for Animals

Here are some examples of common collective nouns used for animals:

A flock of birds A herd of cattle A school of fish
A pack of wolves A pride of lions A swarm of bees
A gaggle of geese A colony of ants A troupe of monkeys
A murder of crows A pod of whales A skein of geese
A litter of kittens A raft of ducks A covey of quail
A herd of deer A smack of jellyfish A shoal of bass
A bevy of beauties A herd of elephants A building of rooks
A cloud of bats A string of horses A host of sparrows
A flight of doves A group of whales A parliament of owls
A pack of dogs A huddle of penguins A colony of seals
A congregation of alligators A swarm of locusts A pod of orcas
A drove of cattle A congress of vultures A tower of giraffes
A mob of kangaroos A plump of teal A flutter of butterflies
A tower of flamingos A drift of snipe A leash of greyhounds
A run of salmon A brook of trout A gang of elk
A herd of bison A litter of piglets A sounder of wild boars
A thump of rabbits A pace of donkeys A herd of buffalo
A swarm of mayflies A shiver of sharks A herd of reindeer
A skein of swans A gulp of pelicans A herd of antelope
A chatter of starlings A bunch of flamingos A pod of porpoises
A herd of musk oxen A pack of coyotes A stand of storks
A crash of rhinos A herd of moose A gang of horses
A muster of peacocks A horde of horses A shoal of mackerel
A gulp of terns A herd of yaks A flamboyance of flamingos
A pod of killer whales A clutch of eggs A scurry of squirrels
A drift of woodcocks A run of hares A bevy of maidens
A pride of peacocks A gaggle of goats A team of oxen
A group of giraffes A caravan of camels A cast of falcons
A nursery of seals A herd of sheep A flotilla of ducks
A paddling of ducks A covey of partridges A herd of gazelle
A colony of rabbits A clutch of hens A gang of badgers
A pod of dolphins A squad of seals A clutter of cats
A horde of hamsters A horde of hedgehogs A rookery of penguins

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