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List of Important Amendments in Indian Constitution

List of Important Amendments in Indian Constitution

There are 105th Amendments in the Indian Constitution that were introduced by the Indian Government. All these amendments have brought significant changes in the course of Indian Polity. The 105th Amendment of the Indian Constitution was imposed in the year 2021 as part of the 127th Constitutional Amendment Bill.

Key Features of Important Amendments in Indian Constitution

The Constitution spells out governmental powers in such detail that many matters that can be addressed through statutes in other democracies must be amended constitutionally in India. The Constitution of India (under Article 368 of Part XX) empowers the Indian Parliament to make amendments to itself.

List of Important Amendments in Indian Constitution

S. No. Enforced since Amendments Objectives
1st 18 June 1951 15, 19, 85, 87, 174, 176, 341, 342, 372 and 376. Insert articles 31A and 31B. Insert schedule 9. Added special provisions for the advancement of socially and educationally backward classes and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SCs and STs). Ensured constitutional validity of zamindari abolition laws and placed reasonable restrictions on freedom of speech. Introduced Schedule 9 to protect against laws that infringe fundamental rights, property rights, and equality before the law.
2nd May 1, 1953 Amend article 81(1)(b). Removed the upper limit for population in a parliamentary constituency by amending Article 81(1)(b).
3rd February 22, 1955 Amend schedule 7. Re-enacted entry 33 of the Concurrent List in the Seventh Schedule to include essential commodities like foodstuffs and raw materials.
4th April 27, 1955 Amend articles 31, 31A, and 305. Amend schedule 9. Imposed restrictions on property rights and introduced related bills in Schedule 9 of the Constitution.
5th December 24, 1955 Amend article 3. Granted powers to the President to set time limits for State Legislatures to respond to proposed Central laws about state formation and changes.
6th September 11, 1956 Amend articles 269 and 286. Amend schedule 7. Changed the Union List and State List concerning the raising of taxes.
7th November 1, 1956 Amend multiple articles and schedules. Reorganized states on linguistic lines and introduced Union Territories.
8th January 5, 1960 Amend article 334. Extended the reservation of seats for SCs, STs, and Anglo-Indians in the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies until 1970.
9th December 28, 1960 Amend schedule 1. Made minor territorial adjustments related to border disputes with Pakistan.
10th August 11, 1961 Amend article 240. Amend schedule 1. Incorporated Dadra and Nagar Haveli as a Union Territory.
11th December 19, 1961 Amend articles 66 and 71. Changed the method of electing the Vice President and protected the election process from legal challenges.
12th December 20, 1961 Amend article 240. Amend schedule 1. Incorporated Goa, Daman, and Diu as Union Territories.

Important Amendment for Indian Constitution UPSC

The 105th Amendment of the Indian Constitution was introduced in 2021, along with the 127th Constitutional Amendment Bill. Here are some key highlights of the 105th Amendment:

  • The Maharashtra government had granted a 16% reservation to the Maratha community in 2019, but the court later overturned this decision due to two main reasons:
    • It surpassed the reservation limit set by the Indira Sawhney case.
    • The Supreme Court noted that under the 102nd Amendment, the state lost the authority to grant OBC reservations.
  • The National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) gained constitutional status in 2018 through the 102nd Amendment Act, which allowed the President and Central Government to maintain the list of Backward Classes.
  • The 105th Amendment restored state governments’ authority to acknowledge Socially and Economically Backward Classes.
  • The 102nd Amendment introduced Article 338B and Article 342A, giving NCBC constitutional recognition and allowing the Central Government to maintain the OBC list.

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