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Section 301 Tariff List
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Section 301 Tariff List

. Trade Representative (USTR) determined, pursuant to an investigation under “Section 301” (Title III of the Trade Act of 1974, 19 U.S.C. §§2411-2420), that China’s acts, policies, and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property (IP), and innovation were unreasonable or discriminatory and burdened or restricted U.S. commerce.

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) developed a series of List 1, List 2, List 3, List 4, etc., which include a variety of Chinese imports subject to tariffs. These lists were periodically updated through investigations and hearings.

Tariff ListDescriptionKey Product CategoriesTariff Rate
List 1Initial List of Tariffs (imposed in 2018)Machinery and equipment (e.g., electric motors, turbines, computers)25%
  Textiles and apparel (e.g., clothing, textiles, fabrics)25%
  Electronics (e.g., televisions, electronic components, semiconductors)25%
  Aircraft parts (e.g., aircraft engines, propellers)25%
List 2Additional Products (imposed in 2018)Chemicals (e.g., pesticides, insecticides, industrial chemicals)25%
  Automobile parts (e.g., tires, parts for engines, vehicle electrical components)25%
  Medical equipment (e.g., diagnostic instruments, medical devices)25%
List 3Expanded List (imposed in 2019)Consumer goods (e.g., footwear, handbags, furniture)25%
  Electronics (e.g., cell phones, laptops, computers, video game consoles)25%
  Toys and sports equipment (e.g., bicycles, dolls, sports goods)25%
List 4AFurther Expansion (imposed in 2019)Food and agricultural products (e.g., seafood, fruits, vegetables)7.5%
  Clothing and textiles (e.g., garments, shoes, fabrics)7.5%
List 4BFinal List (imposed in 2019)Electronics (e.g., laptops, mobile phones, cameras)7.5%
  Home goods (e.g., furniture, kitchenware, sporting goods)7.5%

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