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Hindutva Who is a Hindu Book

Hindutva Who is a Hindu Book

Hindutva (हिन्दुत्व): Who is a Hindu? is an ideological pamphlet by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. Originally published under the title Essentials Of Hindutva in 1923, it was re-titled Hindutva: Who Is a Hindu? when reprinted in 1928.

Savarkar regarded Hinduism as an ethnic, cultural and political identity. Hindus, according to Savarkar, are those who consider India to be the land in which their ancestors lived, as well as the land in which their religion originated. He advocates the creation of a Hindu state in that sense.

हिन्दुत्व – हिन्दू कौन है? वीर सावरकर की एक अद्भुत रचना – डाउनलोड करें हिन्दी में

Savarkar’s central argument in the book revolves around the idea that Hindutva encompasses not just a religious identity but also a cultural, geographical, and nationalistic identity.

He emphasized that anyone who considers India as their ancestral land, respects its culture and traditions, and accepts it as their motherland can be considered a Hindu, regardless of their religious beliefs. Savarkar aimed to create a sense of unity among Hindus, emphasizing their shared history, culture, and heritage.

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