What Young India Wants Book PDF

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What Young India Wants Chetan Bhagat Book

What Young India Wants Book

What young India wants, Chetan Bhagat asks hard questions, demands answers, and presents solutions for a better, more prosperous India. About the book Why do our students regularly commit suicide? Why is there so much corruption in India? Can’t our political parties ever work together? Does our vote make any difference at all? We love our India, but should some things be different? All of us have asked these questions at some time or the other. So does Chetan Bhagat, India’s most loved writer, in What Young India Wants, his first book of non-fiction.

The book details a critical analysis of the complicated problems faced by India in the 21st century. It also presents possible solutions and invites you to engage with the issues discussed, allowing you to see the problem from its various dimensions. What Young India Wants was published in 2012 and is available in paperback.

What Young India Wants Chetan Bhagat Book – Features

  • The book is ideal for those who want to understand the issues faced by contemporary India.
  • The 208-page book is the first non-fiction book from the entertaining author, influenced by the many motivational speeches he has given.

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