University Assistant Rank List Kerala PDF

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University Assistant Rank List Kerala

University Assistant Rank List Kerala

The University Assistant Rank List Kerala provides the names of candidates selected for the post of ASSISTANT, with a salary range of Rs. 13900 – 24040 /- (PR), in the universities across Kerala. These candidates have been found suitable by the Commission and are listed in order of merit based on the OMR Test conducted on 15/6/2019. This Ranked List became effective on 28/9/2020.

Validity of the Ranked List

The Ranked List will remain in effect for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years. However, it will not continue beyond one year if a new ranked list is published after that period. Candidates from this Ranked List will be advised for appointment according to the rules and orders regarding reservation and rotation, as amended over time. This advice for appointment will be applicable to vacancies reported to the Commission during the validity of the Ranked List.

Appointment Process

As the appointment advice is subject to the availability of vacancies, there is no assurance that all candidates listed will receive an appointment. Furthermore, any candidates remaining in the Ranked List at the time of its cancellation will not have any claims for appointment based solely on their inclusion in the Ranked List.

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