TVS XL Super Spare Parts Price List
TVS XL Superbike is a very comfortable vehicle. Heavy-duty loading in the back very supportive seat. You can check the latest TVS XL Super Spare parts list.
TVS XL Super Spare Parts Price List
S.No | Sparepart Name | Price |
1 | Front Fork LEG Super XL Heavy Duty OE | ₹1,923 |
2 | ” Cylinder KIT Super XL Zadon” | ₹1,434 |
3 | Silencer Assembly Super XL (heavy Duty) Zadon | ₹1,398 |
4 | Crank Shaft Assy Super XL Zadon | ₹1,332 |
5 | Stator Plate Assy. Super XL (rotor) Zadon | ₹1,048 |
6 | Magneto Assy Super XL Heavy Duty OE | ₹1,036 |
7 | Seat Assembly RR. XL Super Zadon | ₹992 |
8 | Battery – Exide Bikerz | ₹957 |
9 | Meter Assy Super XL OE | ₹939 |
10 | Swingarm Super XL Heavy Duty Zadon Zadon | ₹932 |
11 | Clutch Assy Super XL Heavy Duty OE | ₹917 |
12 | Crank Bearing KIT Super XL Zadon | ₹900 |
13 | Seat Assembly FR. XL Super Zadon | ₹847 |
14 | Rear Brake Drum Super XL KU | ₹840 |
15 | Chain KIT Super XL IFB | ₹786 |
16 | Clutch Assy Super XL OE | ₹770 |
17 | Engine OIL – Motul 104103 7100 Fully Synthetic | ₹767 |
18 | Clutch Cover TVS Super XL KU | ₹748 |
19 | Cable KIT Chetak Newlites | ₹745 |
20 | Clutch Cover Super XL Zadon | ₹717 |
21 | Chain Sprocket | ₹706 |
22 | Chain KIT Super XL Heavy Duty Hero Rockman | ₹689 |
23 | Side BOX Moped With Pipe Fitting TVS XL Super Blue | ₹653 |
24 | Primary Gear Super XL OE | ₹651 |
25 | Bike Horn Super | ₹629 |
26 | Engine Main Bearing SET Super XL Zadon | ₹621 |
27 | Coil Plate Assy Super XL HD Varroc | ₹610 |
28 | Chain Lubricant – Motul 102981 C2 | ₹545 |
29 | Coil Plate Assy Super XL Swiss | ₹540 |
30 | Igniter Super XL Zadon | ₹529 |
31 | Switch KIT Super XL (set OF 4) Varroc | ₹515 |
32 | Main Tube Super XL Zadon | ₹512 |
33 | Clutch Assy Super XL Sandhar | ₹482 |
34 | Front Brake Drum Centra KU | ₹425 |
35 | Combination Switch Super XL (heavy Duty) | ₹421 |
36 | Head Lamp Assy Super XL Fiem | ₹417 |
37 | Centrifugal Clutch Shoe Super XL Makino | ₹413 |
38 | Silencer Bend Scooty Super XL Zadon | ₹405 |
39 | Lock KIT Super XL NM SET OF 4 Sandhar | ₹399 |
40 | Handle BAR Switch Super XL With Lever KIT RHS | ₹393 |
41 | Conn. ROD KIT Super XL Heavy Duty Maco | ₹392 |
42 | Speedometers Super XL (1.0 Ratio) Pricol | ₹386 |
43 | AIR Filter Assy Super XL OE | ₹385 |
44 | Windshield | ₹379 |
45 | Ignition Lock KIT Super XL (set OF 3) Swiss | ₹368 |
46 | Center Stand Super XL Zadon | ₹359 |
47 | Front Fairing (visor) Super XL With Fitting | ₹356 |
48 | Handle BAR Super XL OE | ₹350 |
49 | Igniter Super XL (heavy Duty) Varroc | ₹343 |
50 | Wiring Harness Super XL Swiss | ₹335 |
51 | Brake Shoe Super XL (F AND R) ASK | ₹333 |
52 | Front Footrest ROD Super XL Heavy Duty | ₹333 |
53 | Wheel Bearings Super XL Zadon | ₹324 |
54 | Head Light KAN SET Super XL Heavy Duty Zadon | ₹320 |
55 | Mirror | ₹299 |
56 | Head Lamp Half KIT Super XL Fiem | ₹279 |
57 | Head Light Assy Super XL Zadon | ₹273 |
58 | Carb. Repair KIT Full Heavy Duty Super XL | ₹269 |
59 | CDI Unit Super XL Zadon | ₹266 |
60 | Kick Shaft Super XL OE | ₹260 |
61 | Crank PIN Super XL Maco | ₹256 |
62 | Charging Coil (starting Coil) Super XL Zadon | ₹251 |
63 | Horn Ac/dc 75mm Sealed (with Capacitor) Super XL | ₹239 |
64 | Steering Ball Racer With Ball Super XL Zadon | ₹225 |
65 | Regulator CUM Flasher Super XL Swiss | ₹224 |
66 | Indicator Assy Super XL Front Zadon | ₹206 |
67 | Ignition Switch Super XL (red Socket Latest) | ₹203 |
68 | Regulator Chetak Bajajgp | ₹203 |
69 | Fork Cone SET With Balls KIT Super XL Zadon | ₹200 |
70 | Front Fork OIL Seal Rx100 (with 2 Spring) | ₹200 |
71 | Throttle Cable Super XL Newlites | ₹198 |
72 | ” Combination Switch Super XL HD (rh) Swiss” | ₹195 |
73 | OIL Pump Super XL Pricol | ₹189 |
74 | Rear Brake Cable Super XL Newlites | ₹189 |
75 | Reed Valve Assemblies Super Xl/scooty Arshta | ₹188 |
76 | Indicator Assy Front SET Super XL Amber Varroc | ₹185 |
77 | Indicator Assy Rear SET Super XL Amber Varroc | ₹185 |
78 | Tail Light Super XL Swiss | ₹185 |
79 | Reed Valve Assemblies | ₹183 |
80 | Throttle Cable – XL 100cc Newlites | ₹182 |
81 | Kick Rachet SET Super XL H.d. Jetline | ₹179 |
82 | Indicator Super XL Heavy Duty Front(long Stay) | ₹178 |
83 | Horn AC Sealed Heavy Duty With Bracket Super | ₹177 |
84 | Indicator Super XL Heavy Duty Rear(small Stay) | ₹176 |
85 | Front Brake Cable Super XL Newlites | ₹175 |
86 | Charging Coil Super XL Swiss | ₹172 |
87 | Front Brake Cable XL 100cc Newlites | ₹171 |
88 | Indicator Super XL Front(long Stay) SET | ₹171 |
89 | Indicator Super XL Rear(small Stay) SET | ₹169 |
90 | Petrol TAP Lockable Super XL JMC | ₹165 |
91 | Choke Cable Super XL (with Rope) Newlites | ₹162 |
92 | Handle Plate Super XL (all Colour) Zadon | ₹160 |
93 | Lever SET Super XL Zadon | ₹160 |
94 | Side Stand Assy Super XL Heavy Duty Zadon | ₹160 |
95 | L.t. Coil Super XL Swiss | ₹155 |
96 | CUP Cone SET With Ball KIT Super XL Jetline | ₹148 |
97 | Handle Lock Champ Swis | ₹144 |
98 | Centre MAT Super XL Zadon | ₹142 |
99 | Ignition CUM Steering Lock Champ Swiss | ₹142 |
100 | Foot Rest FR Rubber SET OF 2 Star City Varroc | ₹140 |
101 | Indicator Stay Super XL (front) Varroc | ₹136 |
102 | Fork Boot (pouch Pack) Super XL Zadon | ₹131 |
103 | Choke Cable – (heavy Duty) Super XL Newlites | ₹124 |
104 | Speedometer Cable Super XL NM (heavy Duty) | ₹123 |
105 | Speedometer Cable 2000 Model Chetak 12V | ₹118 |
106 | Drum Rubber Super XL Zadon | ₹115 |
107 | Fuel Tank CAP Super XL Swiss | ₹114 |
108 | Indicator Stay TVS Super XL Front | ₹114 |
109 | ” Tail Lamp Assy Super XL Fiem” | ₹113 |
110 | Clutch AND Brake Lever SET Super XL NM (heavy | ₹112 |
111 | C AND B Lever SET Super XL (carb. Spaco) Zadon | ₹110 |
112 | Gear BOX Sprocket Super XL Heavy Duty Jetline | ₹106 |
113 | Brake Yoke Super XL Zadon | ₹103 |
114 | Reflector Unit Super XL Lumax | ₹101 |
115 | Blinker Lens Assy Super XL Front LH With Bulb | ₹99 |
116 | Front Footrest Rubber Shogun Zadon | ₹99 |
117 | Coupling Rubber Super XL Zadon | ₹98 |
118 | Spark Plug (pointed Ground AND Twin | ₹97 |
119 | Handle Yoke Accelerator Side Super XL (heavy | ₹96 |
120 | Handle Yoke Clutch Side XL Super (heavy Duty) | ₹96 |
121 | Head Lamp Bulb Holder Super XL Without Wire | ₹96 |
122 | Gear Cable With CAP Chetak Newlites | ₹95 |
123 | Indicator Assy Front LH Super XL Amber Varroc | ₹93 |
124 | Indicator Assy Front RH Super XL Amber Varroc | ₹93 |
125 | Indicator Assy Rear RH Super XL Amber Varroc | ₹93 |
126 | Rear Break Cable (w/nut) Champ Newlites | ₹93 |
127 | Spark Plug (super Plus) Classic Bosch | ₹92 |
128 | Tool BOX Lock Champ Swiss | ₹92 |
129 | Carb. Piston Super XL (carb. Spaco) Zadon | ₹91 |
130 | Front Axle With NUT Super XL Zadon | ₹88 |
131 | AIR Hose Rubber Super XL OE | ₹86 |
132 | Speedometer Worm SET Super XL Zadon | ₹86 |
133 | Dome Head Light Super XL With Metal Bush Lumax | ₹85 |
134 | Throttle Cable – (with Rope) Champ Newlites | ₹85 |
135 | Float Super XL (carb. Spaco) Zadon | ₹83 |
136 | Clutch Plate Super XL Zadon | ₹80 |
137 | Head Lamp RIM Super XL Fiem | ₹80 |
138 | Head Lamp Unit Super XL Fiem | ₹80 |
139 | Rubber Dumper Cush Super XL Varroc | ₹80 |
140 | Speedometer Cable Inner Super XL NM (heavy Duty) | ₹78 |
141 | Lens Tail Lamp Super XL Lumax | ₹77 |
142 | Seat Rubber KIT Max100 SET OF 5 Zadon | ₹77 |
143 | Magnet Wire Super XL Swiss | ₹76 |
144 | Needle JET KIT Super XL (carb. Spaco) Zadon | ₹72 |
145 | CAP Spark Plug M 80 Bajajgp | ₹71 |
146 | Throttle Cable-(strand) Champ Newlite | ₹71 |
147 | Choke Cable XL 100cc Newlites | ₹69 |
148 | Front Fork OIL Seal Super XL (heavy Duty) Jetline | ₹69 |
149 | Speedometer Cable Assy Super XL Newlites | ₹66 |
150 | Plug CAP Star City Swiss | ₹65 |
You can download the TVS XL Super Spare Parts Price List PDF using the link given below.