To Prepare Benzoic Acid from Benzaldehyde Practical PDF

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To Prepare Benzoic Acid from Benzaldehyde Practical
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To Prepare Benzoic Acid from Benzaldehyde Practical

Many properties of substances are determined by comparative rather than by absolute methods. The accuracy of comparative methods depends on the precision of the measurements and on the accuracy with which the properties of the standard substance used for comparison are known.

As methods of making comparative measurements improve, an increasing demand is made on the accuracy with which the properties of the standard substance are determined. A high degree of accuracy in the original determination of the properties of this reference substance requires not only a high degree of uniformity of composition but also a close approach to ideal purity.

Prepare Benzoic Acid From Benzaldehyde Experiment PDF

Benzoic acid is commonly used as a standard substance for calorimetry and acidimetry, and “standard samples” of this substance have been issued by the National Bureau of Standards for many years. Morey! made a study of the suitability of benzoic acid as a primary standard in acidimetry and alkalimetry.

Theory: Aldehydes on oxidation give acids. Benzaldehyde on heating with alkaline Potassium permanganate solution gives Benzoic acid. This is an example of oxidation reaction.

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