The Book of Wisdom Osho
The Book of Wisdom also known as the Wisdom of Solomon is a slightly poetic wisdom book that has been written to teach and uplift the rulers of religion. Using the personification of King Solomon, the book talks about the main things ! “righteousness, Wisdom, and #dolatry.
The Wisdom of Solomon (known as the Book of Wisdom in the Latin Bible tradition) is a book about wisdom—its benefits, nature, and role in ancient Israel’s history. It is more an exhortation to pursue wisdom than a collection of wise teachings (as in Proverbs, Sirach, and Ecclesiastes).
The Book of Wisdom Osho Summary
The book is addressed to the rulers of the earth (verse 1:1), urging them to love righteousness and seek wisdom; the wicked think that all is chance and that they should enjoy each day, but they are deluded. In the second section Solomon (not explicitly named, but strongly implied) tells of his search for wisdom.