Termux Commands List PDF

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Termux Commands List

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that allows users to run various Linux commands on their Android devices.

Common Commands Used in Termux

  1. apt: Used for package management. You can install, update, and remove packages using this command. For example:
    • apt update: Updates the package lists.
    • apt upgrade: Upgrades all installed packages to their latest versions.
    • apt install <package>: Installs a package.
    • apt remove <package>: Removes a package.
  2. pkg: Similar to apt, used for package management. It provides the same functionalities but with slightly different syntax. For example:
    • pkg update
    • pkg upgrade
    • pkg install <package>
    • pkg uninstall <package>
  3. ls: Lists the contents of a directory. For example:
    • ls: Lists files and directories in the current directory.
    • ls <directory>: Lists files and directories in the specified directory.
  4. cd: Changes the current directory. For example:
    • cd <directory>: Changes the current directory to the specified directory.
    • cd ..: Moves up one directory level.
  5. mkdir: Creates a new directory. For example:
    • mkdir <directory>: Creates a new directory with the specified name.
  6. rm: Removes files or directories. For example:
    • rm <file>: Removes the specified file.
    • rm -r <directory>: Removes the specified directory and its contents recursively.
  7. cp: Copies files or directories. For example:
    • cp <source> <destination>: Copies the file or directory from the source to the destination.
  8. mv: Moves or renames files or directories. For example:
    • mv <source> <destination>: Moves the file or directory from the source to the destination.
    • mv <old_name> <new_name>: Renames a file or directory.
  9. pwd: Prints the current working directory.
  10. echo: Prints text to the terminal. For example:
    • echo "Hello, World!": Prints “Hello, World!” to the terminal.

Termux Commands List Android

Command Description Example Usage
apt Package manager for installing software apt update <br> apt install nano
pkg Package manager (alternative to apt) pkg update <br> pkg install git
ls List directory contents ls <br> ls -l <br> ls /path/to/directory
cd Change directory cd /path/to/directory <br> cd ..
mkdir Create a new directory mkdir new_directory
rm Remove files or directories rm file.txt <br> rm -r directory
cp Copy files or directories cp file.txt /path/to/destination
mv Move or rename files or directories mv file.txt /path/to/destination <br> mv old_name new_name
pwd Print current working directory pwd
echo Print text to the terminal echo "Hello, World!"
cat Display file contents cat file.txt
grep Search for patterns in files grep pattern file.txt
chmod Change file permissions chmod +x script.sh
curl Transfer data from or to a server curl https://example.com/file.txt -o file.txt
wget Download files from the internet wget https://example.com/file.txt
whoami Print current user whoami
uname Print system information uname -a
top Display Linux processes top

Termux Commands List for Kali Linux

Command Description Example Usage
apt Package manager for installing software apt update
apt install nano
pkg Package manager (alternative to apt) pkg update
pkg install git
ls List directory contents ls
ls -l
ls /path/to/directory
cd Change directory cd /path/to/directory
cd ..
mkdir Create a new directory mkdir new_directory
rm Remove files or directories rm file.txt
rm -r directory
cp Copy files or directories cp file.txt /path/to/destination
mv Move or rename files or directories mv file.txt /path/to/destination
mv old_name new_name
pwd Print current working directory pwd
echo Print text to the terminal echo “Hello, World!”
cat Display file contents cat file.txt
grep Search for patterns in files grep pattern file.txt
chmod Change file permissions chmod +x script.sh
curl Transfer data from or to a server curl https://example.com/file.txt -o file.txt
wget Download files from the internet wget https://example.com/file.txt
whoami Print current user whoami
uname Print system information uname -a
top Display Linux processes top

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