Surya Mantra PDF

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Surya Mantra

Surya Mantra

Surya Mantra is an impactful Vedic chant dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God. This Surya Mantra is believed to attract the blessings of the Sun, bringing clarity, vitality, and success into one’s life. The mantra is structured with the sacred syllables “Om Hreem Suryaya Namaha,” where “Om” signifies cosmic energy, “Hreem” is a seed mantra for enlightenment and divine grace, and “Suryaya Namaha” respectfully calls upon Lord Surya.

Exploring the Twelve Surya Mantras

  • Om Mitraya Namaha – salutations to the friend of all
  • Om Ravaye Namaha – salutations to the shining one
  • Om Suryaya Namaha – salutations to the one who induces activity
  • Om Bhanave Namaha – salutations to the one who illumines
  • Om Khagaya Namaha – salutations to the one who moves quickly in the sky
  • Om Pushne Namaha – salutations to the giver of strength and nourishment
  • Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha – salutations to the golden cosmic self
  • Om Marichaye Namaha – salutations to the bringer of the dawn
  • Om Adityaya Namaha – salutations to the son of Aditi, the cosmic mother
  • Om Savitre Namaha – salutations to the stimulating power of the sun
  • Om Arkaya Namaha – salutations to the one who is fit to be praised
  • Om Bhaskaraya Namaha – salutations to the one who leads to enlightenment

Benefits of Chanting Surya Mantra

Chanting the Surya Mantra each day can purify your mind, boost concentration, enhance both physical and mental strength, and attract positive energy from the Sun ☀️. This mantra is usually recited during sunrise while facing the east, allowing you to connect with the Sun’s energy and harness its transforming power. To gain the profound benefits of this mantra, it’s important to chant it with sincerity, focus, and devotion.

Every year, the Sun moves through twelve different phases; in Western astrology, these phases are known as zodiac signs and in Eastern astrology, they are referred to as Rashi. Each Rashi has its unique mood and significance, which are represented by different names. The twelve Surya Mantras serve not only as names of the Sun but also embody the basic energy symbolized by the Sun itself. It is recommended to repeat these twelve mantras in a specific order while practicing the twelve asanas in Surya Namaskar.

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