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SI Units List

List of SI Units

The International System of Units (SI) is the modern form of the metric system and is the world’s most widely used system of measurement. It provides a coherent set of units for measuring physical quantities such as length, mass, time, temperature, electric current, luminous intensity, and amount of substance.

SI Units List

Sl. No.Name of the QuantitySI UnitSI Unit Symbol
1.Length (l)Meterm
2.Mass (M)Kilogramkg
3.Time (T)Seconds
4.Electric current (I)AmpereA
5.Thermodynamic temperature (Θ)KelvinK
6.Amount of substance (N)Molemol
7.Luminous intensity (J)Candelacd

List of SI Units in Physics, Chemistry and Biology

List of SI Units in Physics
LengthlMeter (m)Distance traveled by light in vacuum in 1/299,792,458 sec
MassmKilogram (kg)Originally defined by a physical prototype, now Planck’s constant
TimetSecond (s)Duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation of cesium-133 atom
Electric CurrentIAmpere (A)Constant current producing specific force between conductors
TemperatureTKelvin (K)1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of triple point of water
Amount of SubstancenMole (mol)Amount containing Avogadro’s number of entities (atoms, molecules, etc.)
Luminous IntensityIvCandela (cd)Luminous intensity of source emitting specific radiation
List of SI Units Chemistry
Amount of SubstancenMole (mol)Same as in physics
EnergyEJoule (J)Work done by force of one newton over one meter
Electric ChargeqCoulomb (C)Quantity of electricity flowing per second
ConcentrationCMole per cubic meter (mol/m³)Amount of substance per unit volume
PressurePPascal (Pa)Force per unit area
VolumeVCubic meter (m³)Three-dimensional space occupied by an object
List of SI Units in Biology
LengthlMeter (m)Same as in physics
MassmKilogram (kg)Same as in physics
TimetSecond (s)Same as in physics
TemperatureTKelvin (K)Same as in physics
ConcentrationCMole per liter (mol/L)Amount of substance per unit volume
Heart RateHRBeats per minute (bpm)Number of heart beats per minute
Blood PressureBPMillimeters of mercury (mmHg)Pressure exerted by blood against walls of blood vessels

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