General Awareness | - Knowledge of Current affairs
- Indian geography, culture and history of India including freedom struggle
- Indian Polity and constitution
- Indian Economy
- Environmental issues concerning India and the World
- Sports
- General scientific and technological developments
Physics and Chemistry | Upto Class 10 |
Basics of Computers and Applications | - Architecture of Computers
- Input and Output devices
- Storage devices
- Networking
- Operating systems like Windows, Unix, and Linux
- MS Office
- Various data representations
- Internet and Email
- Websites and Web Browsers
- Computer Virus
Basics of Environment and Pollution Control | - Basics of Environment
- Adverse effects of environmental pollution and control strategies
- Air, water and Noise pollution, their effect and control
- Waste Management
- Global warming
- Acid rain
- Ozone depletion
Technical Abilities | - Question from Below Mention Engineering Trades
- Civil and Allied Engineering
- Electrical and Allied Engineering
- Electronics and Allied Engineering
- Mechanical and Allied Engineering
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Printing Technology
- CMA Group