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Republic Day Speech for Students
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Republic Day Speech for Students

In India every year 26th January is celebrated as Republic Day with great grandeur and pride. It is a day dedicated to paying tribute to the Constitution of Independent India, which was formulated by the drafting committee overseen by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. In the year 2024, it will mark India’s 75th Republic Day.

In 2024, the 75th Republic Day parade is slated to take place on January 26 which will be marked by a visit from French President Emmanuel Macron as the chief guest.

Republic Day Speech

Good morning to my respected Principal Madam, my respected Sir and Madam, and my all colleagues. I would like to say thank you for giving me such a great opportunity to speak something on our Republic Day. My name is….. I read in class…..

Today, we all are here to celebrate the 75th Republic Day of our nation. This is a great and auspicious occasion for all of us. We should greet each other and pray to God for the development and prosperity of our nation. We celebrate Republic Day in India every year on the 26th of January as the constitution of India came into force on this day. We have regularly celebrated the Republic Day of India since 1950 as on the 26th of January in 1950 Indian constitution came into force.

India is a democratic country where the public is authorized to elect its leaders to lead the country. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was our first President of India. Since we got independence from British rule in 1947, our country has developed a lot and is counted among the most powerful countries. Together with some developments, some drawbacks have also arisen such as inequality, poverty, unemployment, corruption, illiteracy, etc. We need to take a pledge today to solve such problems in society to make our country the best country in the world.

Thanks, Jai Hind!

10 Lines Of The Republic Day Speech In English

  1. Good morning/afternoon, respected teachers, parents, and dear friends.
  2. Today, we gather to celebrate the 75th Republic Day of our incredible nation, India.
  3. On January 26, 1950, our Constitution came into effect, marking a new era of freedom and democracy.
  4. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the architect of our Constitution, envisioned a just and equal society.
  5. This day is not just about festivities; it’s a tribute to the struggles of our freedom fighters.
  6. Let’s remember their sacrifices and pledge to contribute to the progress of our nation.
  7. As students, we play a crucial role in shaping the future of our beloved country.
  8. Today is the day to reaffirm our commitment to unity in diversity, fraternity, and equality among all our citizens..
  9. May this Republic Day fill our hearts with pride and love for our great nation.
  10. On this Republic Day, let’s unite in the spirit of patriotism and work towards a brighter, more inclusive India.

Short Speech on Republic Day 2024 for Kids and Adults

Good morning to everyone. All of us are gathered here to celebrate the 75th Republic Day of our country today. I am obliged and honored to give a speech on this historical day. Republic Day is celebrated on January 26, every year, with a lot of joy, happiness, and pride across the country. We all know that India gained independence on August 15, 1947, after a long struggle, but the nation didn’t have any constitution of its own at that time. Hence, after many discussions and considerations, a committee headed by Dr. BR Ambedkar submitted a draft of the Indian constitution, which was adopted on November 26, 1949, and officially came into effect on January 26, 1950.

The main celebration of Republic Day is held at the Rajpath in the national capital, New Delhi, before the President of India. On this day, ceremonious parades take place at the Rajpath, which are performed as a tribute to India’s unity in diversity and its rich cultural heritage.

Republic Day Speech in Hindi

आदरणीय मुख्य अतिथि महोदय, सभाध्यक्ष महोदय, उपस्थित सज्जन वृंद, गुरुजन वृंद, मेरे सहपाठी भाइयों एवं बहनों! आप सभी को गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं!

जैसा कि पूर्वविदित है हम सभी यहां इस पावन तिरंगे झंडे के नीचे भारतीय गणतंत्र दिवस का महोत्सव मनाने के लिए एकत्रित हुए हैं। यह केवल एक पर्व नहीं, बल्कि हर भारतवासी के लिए गर्व और सम्मान की बात है।

भारतीय संविधान के निर्माण के लिए डॉ. भीमराव अंबेडकर की अध्यक्षता में संविधान प्रारूप समिति गठित की गई। 2 वर्ष, 11 माह और 18 दिन की कड़ी मेहनत के बाद प्रारूप समिति द्वारा 26 नवंबर, 1949 को संविधान बनाकर तैयार किया गया, पर इसे 26 जनवरी, 1950 से लागू करने का निर्णय लिया गया।

इसके बाद “जय हिंद, जय भारत” के नारे के साथ Republic Day Speech को समाप्त करें।

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