Port Number List PDF

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Port Number List

A port number uniquely identifies a network-based application on a computer. This number is assigned automatically by the OS, manually by the user, or is set as a default for some popular applications

The port numbers are divided into three ranges: the well-known ports, the registered ports, and the dynamic or private ports. The registered ports are those from 1024 through 49151. IANA maintains an official list of well-known and registered ranges. The dynamic or private ports are those from 49152 through 65535.

List of Port Number

    1. Airtel
      • Text “Port” to 3232
    2. FTP (File Transfer Protocol):
      • Port 20: Data transfer
      • Port 21: Control (command)
    3. SSH (Secure Shell):
      • Port 22: Secure login
    4. Telnet:
      • Port 23: Unencrypted text communication
    5. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):
      • Port 25: Email transfer
    6. DNS (Domain Name System):
      • Port 53: Domain name resolution
    7. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol):
      • Port 80: Web traffic (unencrypted)
    8. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure):
      • Port 443: Secure web traffic (encrypted)
    9. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol):
      • Port 161: Network monitoring and management
    10. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol):
      • Port 389: Directory services
    11. MySQL:
      • Port 3306: MySQL database
    12. RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol):
      • Port 3389: Remote desktop access
    13. FTP Secure (FTPS):
      • Port 989: FTPS protocol (data)
      • Port 990: FTPS protocol (control)
    14. SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol):
      • Port 22: Secure file transfer over SSH
    15. SMTPS (SMTP Secure):
      • Port 465: Encrypted SMTP
    16. POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3):
      • Port 110: Email retrieval
    17. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):
      • Port 143: Email retrieval
    18. IMAPS (IMAP Secure):
      • Port 993: Secure email retrieval
    19. NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol):
      • Port 119: Usenet news
    20. NTP (Network Time Protocol):
      • Port 123: Time synchronization
    21. LDAP Secure (LDAPS):
      • Port 636: Encrypted LDAP

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