Photoshop Shortcut Keys List PDF

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Photoshop Shortcut Keys List

Photoshop Shortcut Keys List

Download the Photoshop Shortcut Keys in PDF format today! Adobe Photoshop is the leading photo editing and manipulation software available. Its applications range from comprehensive editing of numerous photos at once to creating detailed digital paintings and drawings that look just like hand-crafted art. Users can easily download the Photoshop Shortcut Keys PDF from the link provided at the bottom of this page.

History of Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop was created in 1987 by two brothers, Thomas and John Knoll. They sold the distribution rights to Adobe Systems Incorporated in 1988. Thomas Knoll, who was a Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan, started writing a program on his Macintosh Plus to show grayscale images on a monochrome display.

Helpful Tips for Using Photoshop

Photoshop is not only powerful but can also be a lot of fun! Learning the shortcut keys can significantly speed up your editing process and make it more enjoyable. Don’t forget to check out the PDF for all the essential shortcuts you need!

Photoshop Shortcut Keys List

Popular shortcuts

Result Windows macOS
Free Transform Control + T Command + T
Toggle between painting and erasing with the same brush Hold down ` (grave accent) Hold down ` (grave accent)
Decrease Brush Size [ [
Increase Brush Size ] ]
Decrease Brush Hardness { {
Increase Brush Hardness } }
Rotate the brush tip by 1 degree Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Right Arrow (clockwise)
Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Right Arrow (clockwise)
Rotate the brush tip by 15 degrees Shift + Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Shift + Right Arrow (clockwise)
Shift + Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Shift + Right Arrow (clockwise)
Default Foreground/Background colors D D
Switch Foreground/Background colors X X
Fit layer(s) to screen Alt-click layer Option-click layer
New layer via copy Control + J Command + J
New layer via cut Shift + Control + J Shift + Command + J
Add to a selection Any selection tool + Shift-drag Any selection tool + Shift-drag
Delete brush or swatch Alt-click brush or swatch Option-click brush or swatch
Toggle auto-select with the move tool Control-click Command-click
Close all open documents other than the current document Ctrl + Alt + P Command + Option + P
Cancel any modal dialog window (including the Start Workspace) Escape Escape
Select the first edit field of the toolbar Enter Return
Navigate between fields Tab Tab
Navigate between fields in the opposite direction Tab + Shift Tab + Shift
Change Cancel to Reset Alt Option

Invoke the search experience

Result Windows macOS
Free Transform Control + T Command + T
Toggle between painting and erasing with the same brush Hold down ` (grave accent) Hold down ` (grave accent)
Decrease Brush Size [ [
Increase Brush Size ] ]
Decrease Brush Hardness { {
Increase Brush Hardness } }
Rotate the brush tip by 1 degree Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Right Arrow (clockwise)
Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Right Arrow (clockwise)
Rotate the brush tip by 15 degrees Shift + Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Shift + Right Arrow (clockwise)
Shift + Left Arrow (anti-clockwise),
Shift + Right Arrow (clockwise)
Default Foreground/Background colors D D
Switch Foreground/Background colors X X
Fit layer(s) to screen Alt-click layer Option-click layer
New layer via copy Control + J Command + J
New layer via cut Shift + Control + J Shift + Command + J
Add to a selection Any selection tool + Shift-drag Any selection tool + Shift-drag
Delete brush or swatch Alt-click brush or swatch Option-click brush or swatch
Toggle auto-select with the move tool Control-click Command-click
Close all open documents other than the current document Ctrl + Alt + P Command + Option + P
Cancel any modal dialog window (including the Start Workspace) Escape Escape
Select the first edit field of the toolbar Enter Return
Navigate between fields Tab Tab
Navigate between fields in the opposite direction Tab + Shift Tab + Shift
Change Cancel to Reset Alt Option

Use function keys

Result Windows macOS
Start Help F1 Help key
Undo/Redo   F1
Cut F2 F2
Copy F3 F3
Paste F4 F4
Show/Hide Brush panel F5 F5
Show/Hide Color panel F6 F6
Show/Hide Layers panel F7 F7
Show/Hide Info panel F8 F8
Show/Hide Actions panel F9 Option + F9
Revert F12 F12
Fill Shift + F5 Shift + F5
Feather Selection Shift + F6 Shift + F6
Inverse Selection Shift + F7 Shift + F7

Select tools

Result Windows macOS
Cycle through tools with the same shortcut key Shift-press shortcut key (if Use Shift Key for Tool Switch preference is selected) Shift-press shortcut key (if Use Shift Key for Tool Switch preference is selected)
Cycle through hidden tools Alt-click + tool (except Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point, and Convert Point tools) Option-click + tool (except Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point, and Convert Point tools)
Move tool V V
Rectangular Marquee tool† Elliptical Marquee tool M M
Lasso tool Polygonal Lasso tool Magnetic Lasso tool L L
Magic Wand tool Quick Selection tool W W
Crop tool Slice tool Slice Select tool C C
Eyedropper tool† Color Sampler tool Ruler tool Note tool I I
Spot Healing Brush tool Healing Brush tool Patch tool
Red Eye tool
Brush tool Pencil tool
Color Replacement tool
Mixer Brush tool
Clone Stamp tool
Pattern Stamp tool
History Brush tool
Art History Brush tool
Eraser tool†
Background Eraser tool
Magic Eraser tool
Gradient tool
Paint Bucket tool
Dodge tool Burn tool
Sponge tool
Pen tool
Freeform Pen tool
Horizontal Type tool
Vertical Type tool
Horizontal Type mask tool
Vertical Type mask tool
Path Selection tool
Direct Selection tool
Rectangle tool
Rounded Rectangle tool
Ellipse tool Polygon tool
Line tool Custom Shape tool
Hand tool† H H
Rotate View tool R R
Zoom tool† Z Z
Default Foreground/Background colors D D
Switch Foreground/Background colors X X
Toggle Standard/Quick Mask modes Q Q
Content-Aware Move tool J J
Perspective Crop tool C C
Artboard tool V V
Rotate View tool R R
Toggle Preserve Transparency / (forward slash) / (forward slash)
Decrease Brush Hardness { {
Increase Brush Hardness } }
Previous Brush , ,
Next Brush . .
First Brush < <
Last Brush > >
†Use same shortcut key for Liquify

View images

Result Windows macOS
Cycle through open documents Control + Tab Control + Tab
Switch to previous document Shift + Control + Tab Shift + Command + `(grave accent)
Close a file in Photoshop and open Bridge Shift-Control-W Shift-Command-W
Toggle between Standard mode and Quick Mask mode Q Q
Toggle (forward) between Standard screen mode, Full screen mode with menu bar, and Full screen mode F F
Toggle (backward) between Standard screen mode, Full screen mode with menu bar, and Full screen mode Shift + F Shift + F
Toggle (forward) canvas color Spacebar + F (or right-click canvas background and select color) Spacebar + F (or Control-click canvas background and select color)
Toggle (backward) canvas color Spacebar + Shift + F Spacebar + Shift + F
Fit image in window Double-click Hand tool Double-click Hand tool
Magnify 100%

Double-click Zoom tool or

Ctrl + 1

Double-click Zoom tool or

Command + 1

Switch to Hand tool (when not in text-edit mode) Spacebar Spacebar
Simultaneously pan multiple documents with Hand tool Shift-drag Shift-drag
Switch to Zoom In tool Control + spacebar Command + spacebar
Switch to Zoom Out tool Alt + spacebar Option + spacebar
Move Zoom marquee while dragging with the Zoom tool Spacebar-drag Spacebar-drag
Apply zoom percentage, and keep zoom percentage box active Shift + Enter in Navigator panel zoom percentage box Shift + Return in Navigator panel zoom percentage box
Zoom in on specified area of an image Control-drag over preview in Navigator panel Command-drag over preview in Navigator panel
Temporarily zoom into an image Hold down H and then click in the image and hold down the mouse button Hold down H and then click in the image and hold down the mouse button
Scroll image with Hand tool Spacebar-drag, or drag view area box in Navigator panel Spacebar-drag, or drag view area box in Navigator panel
Scroll up or down 1 screen Page Up or Page Down† Page Up or Page Down†
Scroll up or down 10 units Shift + Page Up or Page Down† Shift + Page Up or Page Down†
Move view to upper-left corner or lower-right corner Home or End Home or End
Toggle layer mask on/off as rubylith (layer mask must be selected) \ (backslash) \ (backslash)

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