Pharmacology and Toxicology MCQs with Answers PDF

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Pharmacology and Toxicology MCQs with Answers

Pharmacology and Toxicology MCQs with Answers

Pharmacology and Toxicology MCQs with Answers is an essential resource for students and professionals alike. Pharmacology is the study of drugs, focusing on how chemical substances interact with living systems. This subject is critical for understanding the properties of drugs, their actions, and the relationship between drug molecules and their receptors, which explains how specific effects are triggered.

Understanding Toxicology

Toxicology, on the other hand, delves into the harmful effects of chemicals, including drugs, on living organisms. It also covers ways to prevent or reduce these adverse effects. Toxicologists not only study therapeutic agents but also explore environmental chemicals and substances that either come from nature or are made by humans.

Pharmacology and Toxicology Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

Acetyl salicylate & phenobarbitone are better absorbed from the stomach because they are:
a) Weak acids remain non-ionic in gastric pH
b) Weak acids remain ionic in gastric pH
c) Strong acids fully ionized in gastric pH
d) Weak bases which are ionized at gastric pH

Chlorpropamide metabolism is enhanced by:
a) Ethyl alcohol
b) Diazepam
c) Lorazepam
d) Chloridazepoxide

Plasma concentration of drug at time 0 is 96 (g/ml). If Vi is 2 hours, the concentration in plasma at 10 hours will be:
a) 48
b) 24
c) 12
d) 3

Protein binding of a drug helps in:
a) Distribution
b) Prolonging half-life
c) Limiting metabolism
d) All of the above

All of the following are examples of prodrugs except:
a) Levodopa
b) Enalapril
c) Omeprazole
d) Indomethacin

Drug levels should be monitored in the treatment of:
a) Diabetes
b) Epilepsy
c) Status Asthmaticus
d) Hypertension

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