Parshas Hamon PDF

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Parshas Hamon
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Parshas Hamon

The ‘Parashat Haman’ is from the Torah portion of Beshalach and it tells the story of the Manna that God brought down from heavens to feed the Israelites in the wilderness. The Manna had spiritual qualities and it satisfied every person’s taste.

Parshas Hamon is a Torah portion from the Beshalach section of the Torah. It tells the story of how God provided the Israelites with manna to eat in the wilderness.

What does Parshas Hamon tell us?

  • The manna had spiritual qualities and satisfied everyone’s taste.
  • The Israelites received manna every day until they reached the promised land.
  • The portion also includes the source of the 72 names and the splitting of the Red Sea.

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