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MA Amrutum Card Hospital List Gujarat
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MA Amrutum Card Hospital List Gujarat

The Mukhyamantri Amrutum (MA) Yojana was introduced by the Commissionerate of Health, the Government of Gujarat to provide health insurance to the people of the state.

The purpose of the scheme is to (covering hospitalization and surgeries) for all families in the aforementioned income slab. There are around 112 empanelled hospitals under the Mukhyamantri Amrutum (MA) Yojana across the state of Gujarat.

Eligibility for Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana

The following eligibility criteria must be met in order to get benefits under Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana:

  • The total annual income of the beneficiary must be less than Rs.2.5 lakh.
  • It is a must to have an income certificate before subscribing to this scheme.
  • This cover can be taken for self, spouse, and three dependent children.

Features of Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana

Some notable features of Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana can be given as follows:

  • This scheme offers a sum insured amount of Rs.3 lakh on a floater basis
  • Five members of a family can avail of the benefits under the scheme.
  • There is no cost incurred by beneficiaries as this is a 100% government-funded scheme.
  • A quick response coded card (QR coded card) is issued to families that avail coverage under this scheme.
  • Since this is not an insurance policy, there are no intermediaries involved in the coverage process. The state government transfers the benefit amount through RTGS.
  • Complete cashless coverage can be obtained under this scheme as the government bears all costs including treatment expenses, follow-up consultation, medicines, and transportation, etc.
  • The claim is settled on a paperless basis to make the claim settlement faster.
  • The network hospitals impaneled under this scheme include private hospitals, government hospitals, and standalone dialysis centers.
  • There is no specific time frame for beneficiary enrollment, and people can sign up for this cover any time of the year.
  • Civic Centre kiosks and Taluka kiosks have been set up for the beneficiaries so that they can enroll themselves or make any additions or deletions under the scheme.
  • Mega health camps and General Health camps are set up by public and private empanelled hospitals.

MA Amrutum Card Hospital List Gujarat

S.No.Name of the HospitalDistrict
Public Hospitals impanelled under Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana
1Civil Hospital AhmedabadAhmedabad
2General Hospital – GandhinagarGandhinagar
3General Hospital SolaAhmedabad
4General Hospital, DahodDahod
5Gmers General HospitalJunagadh
6Gmers Hospital ValsadValsad
7Gmers Medical College & General Hospital, GotriVadodara
8Gmers Medical College & Hospital, Dharpur, PatanPatan
9Gmers Medical College Hospital HimmatnagarSabarkantha
10Govt. (Ch & Sc ) Spine InstituteAhmedabad
11Guru Gobind Singh Govt HospitalJamnagar
12Institute Of Kidney Diseases And Research CentreAhmedabad
13L.G. General HospitalAhmedabad
14New Civil Hospital – SuratSurat
15Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Civil Hospital, RajkotRajkot
16Sheth Vadilal Sarabhai General Hospital & Shcth CmhAhmedabad
17Siddhapur Cancer HospitalPatan
18Sir Takhtasinhji General Hospital – BhavnagarBhavnagar
19Smt. S.C.L. Muni.Gen.HospitalAhmedabad
20Ssg Civil HospitalVadodara
21Surat Municipal Institute Of Medical Education & Research HospitalSurat
22The Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute – M.P Shah Cancer HospitalAhmedabad
23U. N. Mehta Institute Of Cardiology & Research CenterAhmedabad
Private Hospitals empanelled under Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana
1“Ba” Smt. Lilaben Chimanlal Parikh Cancer CentreNavsari
23d HospicareBhavnagar
3Aarna Superspeciality HospitalAhmedabad
4Aaryan Institute Of Medical ScienceKutch
5Accord Multi-Specialty Hospital – KutchKutch
6Adarsh Multispeciality Hospital – KalolGandhinagar
7Agrawal HospitalPatan
8Ambujanagar Multispecialty Hospital, KodinarJunagadh
9Amit Hospital Pvt. Ltd, ValsadValsad
10Anand Surgical HospitalAhmedabad
11Apollo Cbcc CancerGandhinagar
12Apollo Hospitals International Ltd.Gandhinagar
13Astha Surgical Hospital, IdarSabarkantha
14Ayushman Surgical Hospital, Arvalli- ModasaArvalli
15B.T. Savani Kidney HospitalRajkot
16Bankers Heart & Multi-Specialty HospitalVadodara
17Bankers Heart Institute, VadodaraVadodara
18Baps Pramukh Swami Hospital, SuratSurat
19Baroda Heart & Multispecialty HospitalBharuch
20Baroda Heart Institute (Cardiology Unit-Sharda Hospital)Jamnagar
21Baroda Heart Institute & Research Centre – Baroda (Shri Ramkrupa Medicare Pvt. Ltd)Vadodara
22Bharat Cancer HospitalSurat
23Bodyline HospitalAhmedabad
24Charusat HospitalAnand
25Christ HospitalRajkot
26D. Z. Patel Cardiology CenterKheda
27Ddmm Heart InstituteKheda
28Divine Heart & Research HospitalBharuch
29Dwti – Prabhu General Hospital And Bankers Heart InstituteSurat
30Gadhavi Hospital, TharadBanaskantha
31Galaxy Heart Institute (A Unit Of Pushti Health Care & Research Pvt., Ltd.)Mehsana
32Gcs Medical College, Hospital & Research CenterAhmedabad
33Global Long Life Hospital And Research Pvt. Ltd.Ahmedabad
34Goenka HospitalGandhinagar
35Gujarat Adani Institute Of Medical Sciences, G. K. General HospitalKutch
36H. J. Doshi HospitalRajkot
37Hanumant Hospital, Managed By Narayana HealthBhavnagar
38Haria L. G. Rotary HospitalValsad
39Hcg Cancer Center, VadodaraVadodara
40Hcg Hospital BhavnagarBhavnagar
41Hcg Hospitals (A Unit Of Healthcare Global Enterprise Limited)Ahmedabad
42Himalaya Cancer Hospital And Research CentreVadodara
43J. B. General Hospital, AniyadPanchmahal
44J. K. Orthopaedic HospitalSabarkantha
45Jaydeep HospitalAhmedabad
46Jivan Jyot Charitable Trust, Patan Janta Hospital-PatanPatan
47Kailash Cancer Hospital And Research CenterVadodara
48Kakadiya HospitalAhmedabad
49Kalp HospitalJunagadh
50Kasturba Hospital, (Kasturba Vaidkiya Rahat Mandal)Valsad
51Kiran Multi Super Specialty Hospital & Research Center, SuratSurat
52Krishna Multispeciality HospitalMorbi
53Krishna Shalby HospitalAhmedabad
54Krishna Surgical Hospital, DehgamGandhinagar
55Life Care Institute Of Medical Sciences & Research Pvt. Ltd.Ahmedabad
56Lifeline Multispeciality HospitalSurat
57Lions General HospitalMehsana
58Mavjat Multispeciality HospitalBanaskantha
59Medistar HospitalSabarkantha
60Metas Of Seventh – Day Adventist HospitalSurat
61Modi Children Hospital & Nirmal Critical Care Center, VyaraTapi
62Mrk Lions Orthopedic & Mpp General HospitalNavsari
63Mundra Institute Of Medical Science – KutchKutch
64N. M. Virani Wockhardt Hospital, RajkotRajkot
65Nadkarni HospitalValsad
66Naik Super Specialty HospitalVadodara
67Narayana Hrudayalaya Pvt.LtdAhmedabad
68Neuro 1 Stroke And Critical Care InstituteAhmedabad
69Orange HospitalNavsari
70P P Savani Heart Institute & Multispeciality HospitalSurat
71Pagarav Hospital And Icu Pvt. Ltd.Gandhinagar
72Parul Sevashram HospitalVadodara
73Pranayam Lung & Heart Institute, VadodaraVadodara
74Premdas Jalaram HospitalVadodara
75Premswarup Swami Multi-Specialty Hospital (Psm)Gandhinagar
76Pushpa Children Hospital & Critical Care CenterAhmedabad
77Radhika General HospitalAmreli
78Rajasthan HospitalsAhmedabad
79Rajkot Cancer Society & Allied HospitalsRajkot
80Rhythm Heart InstituteDahod
81Rhythm Heart Institute, VadodaraVadodara
82Saachi Children HospitalSurat
83Sadbhavna HospitalRajkot
84Sal HospitalAhmedabad
85Sangam Multi-Specialty Hospital, BodeliChhotaudepur
86Sanjivani Super Specialty HospitalAhmedabad
87Sardar Patel Hospital, AnkleshwarBharuch
88Saviour HospitalAhmedabad
89Schvijk Hospital & Research CenterVadodara
90Sgvp Holistic Hospital, AhmedabadAhmedabad
91Shalby Hospital – NarodaAhmedabad
92Shalby Multi-Specialty Hospital, SuratSurat
93Shaleen Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. (Shaleen Radiotherapy Cancer Center) And Spandan Emergency & Critical Care Hospital (Spandan Hospital)Ahmedabad
94Shankus Medicity HospitalMehsana
95Shifa Multi-Speciality HospitalAhmedabad
96Shree Jalaram Raghukul Sarvajanik HospitalRajkot
97Shree Krishna Hospital & Medical Research Center, KaramsadAnand
98Shreeji Hospital & Trauma Care CenterVadodara
99Shreemad Rajchandra HospitalValsad
100Shri B D Mehta Mahavir Heart InstituteSurat
101Shri Devaraj bhai Bavabhai Tejani Cancer Institute, Managed By Lions Cancer Detection Center TrustSurat
102Shri M. M. Parikh Cardiac Care CentreAnand
103Shrimati Jayaben Modi HospitalBharuch
104Sita HospitalSurat
105Smt. S.C. & Sheth D.M. Sarvajanik Hospital, GozariaMehsana
106Sri Sathya Sai Heart HospitalRajkot
107Sterling Cancer HospitalVadodara
108Sterling Hospital, AhmedabadAhmedabad
109Sterling Hospital, RajkotRajkot
110Sterling Hospital, VadodaraVadodara
111Sterling Ramkrishna Speciality HospitalKutch
112Sumandeep VidyapeethVadodara
113Sunshine Global HospitalSurat
114Sunshine Global Hospital, VadodaraVadodara
115Svayambhu Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.Ahmedabad
116Tricolour Hospital, VadodaraVadodara
117Tristar HospitalSurat
118Unicare Heart Institute And Research CenterSurat
119Unicare HospitalRajkot
120Unity Trauma Center And IcuSurat
121Vijay Shalby HospitalAhmedabad
122Viroc HospitalVadodara
123Welcare Hospital, VadodaraVadodara
124Yashfeen Cardiac HospitalNavsari
125Yesha Super Speciality HospitalNavsari
126Zydus HospitalAnand
Public Dialysis Centres empanelled under Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana
1AmreliGeneral Hospital – Amreli
2BanaskanthaGeneral Hospital – Palanpur
3BharuchGeneral Hospital – Bharuch
4DangGeneral Hospital, Ahwa- Dang
5Devbhoomi DwarkaGeneral Hospital – Jamkhambhadia
6KhedaCivil Hospital- Nadiad
7MehsanaGeneral Hospital – Mehsana
8MehsanaChc Hospital – Kadi
9MehsanaCottage Hospital – Unjha
10MehsanaGeneral Hospital – Visnagar
11MorbiGeneral Hospital – Morbi
12NarmadaGeneral Hospital – Rajpipla
13NavsariCivil Hospital- Navsari
14PanchmahalGeneral Hospital – Godhara
15PatanGeneral Hospital – Siddhpur
16PorbandarCivil Hospital, Porbandar
17RajkotPkg Hospital
18RajkotGovernment Hospital, Jetpur
19RajkotSub-District Hospital, Upleta
20RajkotSub-District Hospital, Gondal
21SabarkanthaGeneral Hospital – Khedbrahmbha
22SurendranagarCivil Hospital- Limbadi
23SurendranagarMg Hospital
24TapiGeneral Hospital – Vyara
25ValsadState Hospital Dharampur
Public Dialysis Centres empanelled under Mukhyamantri Amrutam Yojana
1Aagman Dialysis CenterHimmatnagar, Sabarkantha
2Avishkar Dialysis Center, HimmatnagarHimmatnagar, Sabarkantha
3C. V. Shah Dialysis Center, HalolPanchmahal
4Desai Hospital, PalanpurBanaskantha
5Gram Seva Trust Hospital, GandeviNavsari
6Gram Seva Trust Hospital, GandeviNavsari
7Health & Care FoundationAhmedabad
8Janak Smarak Hospital – Managed By Shree B. J. Patel Vaidkiya Trust, VyaraTapi
9Kidney Health HospitalAhmedabad
10Krishna Dialysis Center, ModasaArvalli
11L & T Health And Dialysis Center, SuratSurat
12Lions Karnavati Shantaben Vishnubhai Patel Eye Hospital- OgnajAhmedabad
13Lnm Group Lions Hospital & Research CentreBhuj
14Maheshwari Dialysis Center, SuratSurat
15Mavani Kidney Care Dialysis CenterAhmedabad
16Navjivan HospitalAmreli
17Ramkrishna Paramhansa HospitalVadodara
18Saboo Kidney CareBhavnagar
19Sangani Hospital, KeshodJunagadh
20Sangani Hospital, VeravalGir Somnath
21Shree Anandabava Netra Chikitsalaya Kidney Dialysis CenterJamnagar
22Shree Lallubhai Sheth Arogya Mandir, SavarkundlaAmreli
23Shree M. B. Patel Sarvajanik Hospital, Isanpur Mota, GandhinagarGandhinagar
24Shree Mehta Sarvajanik HospitalGir Somnath
25Smitaben V. Shah Dialysis Center Managed By Sadvichar Parivar, GodhraPanchmahal
26Upasana Kidney HospitalMehsana
27Vagad Welfare Hospital, BhachauKutch
28Zaveri Mangalji Vamalshi DispensaryPalanpur, Banaskantha

Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana Benefits

BenefitsExtent of coverage
Medical expensesUp to Rs.3 lakh on a family floater basis
Transportation chargesRs.300 for every instance of hospitalisation
Transportation allowance following the death of the patientRs.6 per km
Kidney TransplantRs.5 lakh
Liver TransplantRs.5 lakh
Kidney + Pancreas TransplantRs.5 lakh
Knee and hip replacementRs.40,000

Claim Procedure for Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana

Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana comes with a completely cashless process for all expenses involved in hospitalization. Once a diagnosis is made, the network hospital will seek pre-authorization for the treatment. The beneficiary must provide the identity card issued at the time of subscribing to this cover. The hospital will proceed with the treatment after approval is obtained.

Once the treatment is over, the hospital will forward all the documents including medical bills, discharge summary, physician certificate, etc. to the company. For a smooth and transparent transaction, the claim amount is settled by transferring the amount through RTGS.

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