Low-Fiber Food List with Guideline PDF

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Low-Fiber Food List with Guideline
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Low-Fiber Food List with Guideline

Fiber is the part of plant foods (such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dried beans and peas, and nuts) that your body cannot digest. A diet that is low in fiber will reduce the amount of undigested food moving through your bowels, which means your body will make less waste (or stool). A low-fiber diet has less than 10 grams of fiber per day.

Why Do I Need a Low-Fiber Diet?

You may need to follow a low-fiber diet if: „

  • You have diarrhea from treatments like chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or radiation. „
  • You are receiving radiation treatment to the lower bowel. „
  • You recently had bowel surgery. „
  • You are at higher risk for a bowel obstruction or a narrowing of the bowels.

Because a low-fiber diet limits what you can eat, it can be hard to meet your nutrition needs. Talk with your doctor or registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) about how long you will need to follow this diet.

Low-Fiber Diet Tips „

  • Limit the amount of fiber you eat in a day to 10 grams. Stay away from foods that have 2 or more grams of fiber per serving. „
  • Eat vegetables that are well cooked. Choose fruits that have a soft texture, like melon and bananas. „
  • Avoid or remove thick skins and seeds from fruits and vegetables. „
  • When your doctor or RDN says you can introduce fiber back into your diet, it will be important to do it slowly.

Low-Fiber Food List

Food CategoryLow-Fiber Foods
GrainsWhite bread, white rice, refined pasta, plain crackers, low-fiber cereals (e.g., cornflakes)
FruitsRipe bananas, canned peaches, applesauce, watermelon (seedless), honeydew melon
VegetablesPeeled potatoes (boiled or mashed), cooked carrots, zucchini (without skin/seeds), pumpkin
ProteinsSkinless chicken, lean beef, eggs, tofu, smooth peanut butter
DairyMilk, yogurt (without fruit/seeds), cheese, cottage cheese
Snacks & SweetsPlain biscuits, vanilla pudding, jelly, plain cakes, white chocolate
BeveragesWater, clear juices (apple juice, white grape juice), herbal tea, black coffee

🔹 Note: Avoid whole grains, raw vegetables, nuts, and seeds, as they are high in fiber. Always consult a doctor for dietary advice if needed.

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