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List of Surah in Quran

List of Surah in Quran

Each surah, except for the ninth is preceded by the phrase bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm (“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.”). 29 surahs are preceded by Muqatta’at (lit. abbreviated or shortened), unique letter combinations whose meanings remain unclear. The first surah in the Quran is Surah al-Fatihah.

Quran Surah List

Surah Name Arabic Meaning
Al-Fatihah الفاتحة The Opening
Al-Baqarah اﻟﺒﻘﺮﺓ The Cow
Aale-Imran اۤل عمران The Family Of Imran
An-Nisa اﻟﻨﺴﺄ The Women
Al-Maidah المائدة The Table
Al-Anam الأنعام The Cattle
Al-Araf الأعراف The Heights
Al-Anfal الأنفال The Spoils Of War
At-Tawbah التوبة The Repentance
Yunus يونس Yunus
Hud هود Hud
Yusuf يوسف Yusuf
Ar-Rad الرعد The Thunder
Ibrahim ابراهيم Ibrahim
Al-Hijr الحجر The Rocky Tract
An-Nahl النحل The Bees
Al-Isra الإسرﺃ The Night Journey
Al-Kahf الكهف The Cave
Maryam مريم Maryam
Taha طه Ta-Ha
Al-Anbiya اﻷﻧﺒﻴﺄ The Prophets
Al-Hajj الحج The Pilgrimage
Al-Muminun المؤمنون The Believers
An-Nur النور The Light
Al-Furqan الفرقان The Criterion
Ash-Shuara الشعرﺃ The Poets
An-Naml النمل The Ants
Al-Qasas القصص The Stories
Al-Ankabut العنكبوت The Spider
Ar-Rum الروم The Romans
Luqman لقمان Luqman
As-Sajdah السجدة The Prostration
Al-Ahzab الأحزاب The Combined Forces
Saba ﺳﺒﺄ The Sabeans
Fatir الفاطر The Originator
Yaseen يٰسن Ya-Sin
As-Saffat الصافات Those Ranges In Ranks
Saad صۤ Sad
Az-Zumar الزمر The Groups
Al-Ghafir غافر The Forgiver
Fussilat فصلت Distinguished
Ash-Shura الشورى The Consultation
Az-Zukhruf الزخرف The Gold
Ad-Dukhan الدخان The Smoke
Al-Jathiyah الجاثية The Kneeling
Al-Ahqaf الأحقاف The Valley
Al-Muhammad محمد Muhammad
Al-Fath الفتح The Victory
Al-Hujurat الحجرات The Dwellings
Qaf ق Qaf
Adh-Dhariyat الذاريات The Scatterers
At-Tur الطور The Mount
An-Najm النجم The Star
Al-Qamar القمر The Moon
Ar-Rahman الرحمن The Most Gracious
Al-Waqiah الواقعة The Event
Al-Hadid الحديد The Iron
Al-Mujadilah المجادلة The Reasoning
Al-Hashr الحشر The Gathering
Al-Mumtahinah الممتحنة The Tested
As-Saf الصف The Row
Al-Jumuah الجمعة Friday
Al-Munafiqun المنافقون The Hypocrites
At-Taghabun التغابن The Loss & Gain
Al-Talaq الطلاق The Divorce
Al-Tahrim التحريم The Prohibition
Al-Mulk الملك The Kingdom
Al-Qalam القلم The Pen
Al-Haqqah الحاقة The Inevitable
Al-Maarij المعارج The Elevated Passages
Nuh نوح Nuh
Al-Jinn الجن The Jinn
Al-Muzzammil المزمل The Wrapped
Al-Muddaththir المدثر The Cloaked
Al-Qiyamah القيامة The Resurrection
Al-Dahr الإنسان The Human
Al-Mursalat المرسلات Those Sent Forth
Al-Naba النبأ The Great News
Al-Naziat النازعات Those Who Pull Out
Al-Abasa عبس He Frowned
Al-Takwir التكوير The Overthrowing
Al-Infitar الإنفتار The Cleaving
Al-Mutaffifin المطففين Those Who Deal In Fraud
Al-Inshiqaq اﻹنشقاق The Splitting Asunder
Al-Buruj البروج The Stars
Al-Tariq الطارق The Nightcomer
Al-Aala الأعلى The Most High
Al-Ghashiyah الغاشية The Overwhelming
Al-Fajr الفجر The Dawn
Al-Balad البلد The City
Al-Shams الشمس The Sun
Al-Layl الليل The Night
Al-Duha الضحى The Forenoon
Al-Inshirah اﻹﻧﺸﺮﺡ The Opening Forth
Al-Tin التين The Fig
Al-Alaq العلق The Clot
Al-Qadr القدر The Night Of Decree
Al-Bayyinah البينة The Proof
Al-Zalzalah الزلزلة The Earthquake
Al-Adiyat العاديات The Runners
Al-Qariah القارعة The Striking Hour
Al-Takathur التكاثر The Piling Up
Al-Asr العصر The Time
Al-Humazah الهمزة The Slanderer
Al-Fil الفيل The Elephant
Al-Quraysh قريش Quraish
Al-Maun الماعون The Assistance
Al-Kawthar الكوثر The River Of Abundance
Al-Kafirun الكافرون The Disbelievers
Al-Nasr النصر The Help
Al-Masad المسد The Palm Fiber
Al-Ikhlas الإخلاص The Sincerity
Al-Falaq الفلق The Daybreak
Al-Nas الناس Mankind

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