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Indian Governor General List
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Indian Governor General List

India did have a Governor-General during the period of British rule. The Governor-General of India was the representative of the British monarch and held significant executive and legislative powers. This role underwent various changes over time, and by the time of India gaining independence in 1947, the last British-appointed Governor-General, Lord Louis Mountbatten, continued briefly as the first Governor-General of independent India before the country became a republic in 1950.

Governors-General of India List

Year Governors-General of India Major Reforms
1772-1785 Warren Hastings First Governor-General of Bengal

  • End to the dual system of administration
  • Regulating Act of 1773
  • Supreme Court at Calcutta
  • Asiatic Society of Bengal
  • First Anglo-Maratha War and Treaty of Salbai
  • First English translation of Bhagavad Gita
  • Pitt’s India Act-1784
1786-1793 Lord Cornwallis
  • Establishment of Appellate courts and lower grade courts
  • Establishment of Sanskrit college
  • Third Anglo-Mysore War and Treaty of Seringapatam
  • Introduction of Permanent Settlement and civil services
1793-1798 Sir John Shore
  • Charter act of 1793
  • Policy of Non-intervention
  • Battle of Kharda
1798-1805 Lord Wellesley
  • Introduction of Subsidiary Alliance System
  • Fourth Anglo- Mysore war and the Treaty of Bassein
  • Second Anglo – Maratha war
  • Establishment of Madras presidency
  • Establishing Fort William College at Calcutta
1805-1807 Sir George Barlow
  • The Acting Governor-General of India until the arrival of Lord Minto,
  • Diminished the area of British territory because of his passion for economy and retrenchment,
  • The Mutiny of Vellore took place in 1806
1807-1813 Lord Minto I
  • Concluded the treaty of Amritsar with Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1809,
  • Introduced the Charter Act of 1813
1813-1823 Lord Hastings
  • The policy of Non-intervention came to an end
  • third Anglo-Maratha war
  • Abolition of Peshwaship
  • Establishment of the Ryotwari System in Madras (By Thomas Munroe) and Bombay
  • Mahalwari system in north-western Provinces and Bombay
1823-1828  Lord Amherst
  • The annexation of Assam leading to the first Burmese war of 1824,
  • The mutiny of Barrackpore in 1824
1828-1835 Lord William Bentinck
  • First Governor-General of India (Charter Act of 1833 made Governor-General of Bengal as Governor-General of India.)
  • Abolition of Sati
  • Suppression of Thugee, infanticide and child sacrifices.
  • English Education Act of 1835
  • Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata
1835-1836 Lord Charles Metcalfe
  • ‘Liberator of the Indian press
  • detached all restraints on an open press
1836-1842 Lord Auckland
  • Dedicated himself to the improvement of native schools and the expansion of the commercial industry of India
  • The first Anglo-Afghan war
1842-1844 Lord Ellenborough Sindh was annexed
1844-1848 Lord Hardinge I First Anglo Sikh War (1845-46)
Lord Dalhousie (Governors-General of India)
  • Introduced ‘Doctrine of Lapse‘
  • Doctrine of Good
  • Charles Wood Dispatch
  • Post Office Act, 1854
  • 1st Railway line connecting Bombay and Thane
  • Established engineering college in Roorkee
  • Second Anglo-Sikh War
  • First telegraph line
  •  Establishment of the Public Works Department
  • Abolition of titles and pensions.
  • Started Competitive  examination for Indian Civil Services
  • Widow Remarriage Act
1856-1857 Lord Canning
  • Three universities at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in 1857 were established
  • Revolt of 1857 took place

Note – Post-1857 Revolt, Governor-General of India was made Viceroy of British India and Canning became the first Viceroy of India/British India.

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