ICMR Dietary Guidelines 2024 for Indians PDF

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ICMR Dietary Guidelines 2024 for Indians
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ICMR Dietary Guidelines 2024 for Indians

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR-NIN) released dietary guidelines and promoted good eating and lifestyle choices.A multidisciplinary team of experts led by Dr. Hemalatha R, Director of ICMR-NIN, have produced a set of 17 thorough suggestions.

The addition of useful advice and recommendations on managing food safety, selecting minimally processed foods, the significance of food labels, and physical exercise has made these guidelines extremely pertinent to the evolving food landscape in India.

ICMR Dietary Guidelines 2024

  • The standards state that an individual should have approximately 250 grams of cereals, 400 grams of vegetables, 100 grams of fruits, 85 grams of pulses, eggs, or flesh meals, 35 grams of nuts and seeds, and 27 grams of fat or oils per day in order to consume 2000 kcal.
  • It recommended limiting the amount of cereal consumed to 45 percent of total energy, which is currently between 50 and 70 percent.
  • According to ICMR, vegetarians should consume foods high in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as chia seeds, flax seeds, and other similar foods, since it can be difficult for them to obtain adequate B12.
  • The ICMR stated that Indians consume a lot of grains since pulses and meat are expensive, which leads to a deficiency in important micronutrient consumption. Eating a range of foods was advised because “no single food item contains all essential nutrients.”

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