Hydraulic and Pneumatic Book PDF

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Hydraulic and Pneumatic Book
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Hydraulic and Pneumatic Book

“Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A Technician’s and Engineer’s Guide” by Andrew Parr is a comprehensive guide to the principles and applications of hydraulics and pneumatics systems. Traditionally pneumatics and hydraulics are thought to be a mechanical engineer’s subject. In practice the techniques tend to be more akin to the ideas used in electronics and process control. This book has been written by a process control engineer as a guide to the operation of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

It is intended for engineers and technicians who wish to have an insight into the components and operation of a pneumatics or hydraulic system. The mathematical content has been deliberately kept simple with the aim of making the book readable rather than rigorous.

Summary of “Hydraulics and Pneumatics” by Andrew Parr

Attribute Details
Author Andrew Parr
Language English
Subject Hydraulics and Pneumatics systems, their design, operation, and maintenance
Target Audience Technicians, engineers, and students involved in mechanical, electrical, and control engineering
Purpose To provide a detailed understanding of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, covering both theoretical and practical aspects

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