GYM Exercise Name with Images PDF

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Full Body Workout Guide with Pictures
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GYM Exercise Name with Images

Full Body Workout Guide with Pictures

Chest Exercises

  1. Band-Assisted Bench Press
  2. Bar Dip
  3. Bench Press
  4. Bench Press Against Band
  5. Board Press
  6. Cable Chest Press
  7. Close-Grip Bench Press
  8. Close-Grip Feet-Up Bench Press
  9. Decline Bench Press
  10. Dumbbell Chest Fly
  11. Dumbbell Chest Press
  12. Dumbbell Decline Chest Press
  13. Dumbbell Floor Press
  14. Dumbbell Pullover
  15. Feet-Up Bench Press
  16. Floor Press
  17. Incline Bench Press
  18. Incline Dumbbell Press
  19. Incline Push-Up
  20. Kettlebell Floor Press
  21. Kneeling Incline Push-Up
  22. Kneeling Push-Up
  23. Machine Chest Fly
  24. Machine Chest Press
  25. Pec Deck
  26. Pin Bench Press
  27. Push-Up
  28. Push-Up Against Wall
  29. Push-Ups With Feet in Rings
  30. Resistance Band Chest Fly
  31. Smith Machine Bench Press
  32. Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
  33. Standing Cable Chest Fly
  34. Standing Resistance Band Chest Fly

Shoulder Exercises

  1. Band External Shoulder Rotation
  2. Band Internal Shoulder Rotation
  3. Band Pull-Apart
  4. Barbell Front Raise
  5. Barbell Rear Delt Row
  6. Barbell Upright Row
  7. Behind the Neck Press
  8. Cable Lateral Raise
  9. Cable Rear Delt Row
  10. Dumbbell Front Raise
  11. Dumbbell Horizontal Internal Shoulder Rotation
  12. Dumbbell Horizontal External Shoulder Rotation
  13. Dumbbell Lateral Raise
  14. Dumbbell Rear Delt Row
  15. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  16. Face Pull
  17. Front Hold
  18. Lying Dumbbell External Shoulder Rotation
  19. Lying Dumbbell Internal Shoulder Rotation
  20. Machine Lateral Raise
  21. Machine Shoulder Press
  22. Monkey Row
  23. Overhead Press
  24. Plate Front Raise
  25. Power Jerk
  26. Push Press
  27. Reverse Cable Flyes
  28. Reverse Dumbbell Flyes
  29. Reverse Machine Fly
  30. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  31. Seated Barbell Overhead Press
  32. Seated Smith Machine Shoulder Press
  33. Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press
  34. Squat Jerk
  35. Split Jerk

Bicep Exercises

  1. Barbell Curl
  2. Barbell Preacher Curl
  3. Bodyweight Curl
  4. Cable Curl With Bar
  5. Cable Curl With Rope
  6. Concentration Curl
  7. Dumbbell Curl
  8. Dumbbell Preacher Curl
  9. Hammer Curl
  10. Incline Dumbbell Curl
  11. Machine Bicep Curl
  12. Spider Curl

Triceps Exercises

  1. Barbell Standing Triceps Extension
  2. Barbell Lying Triceps Extension
  3. Bench Dip
  4. Close-Grip Push-Up
  5. Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension
  6. Dumbbell Standing Triceps Extension
  7. Overhead Cable Triceps Extension
  8. Tricep Bodyweight Extension
  9. Tricep Pushdown With Bar
  10. Tricep Pushdown With Rope

Leg Exercises

  1. Air Squat
  2. Barbell Hack Squat
  3. Barbell Lunge
  4. Barbell Walking Lunge
  5. Belt Squat
  6. Body Weight Lunge
  7. Bodyweight Leg Curl
  8. Box Squat
  9. Bulgarian Split Squat
  10. Chair Squat
  11. Dumbbell Lunge
  12. Dumbbell Squat
  13. Front Squat
  14. Goblet Squat
  15. Hack Squat Machine
  16. Half Air Squat
  17. Hip Adduction Machine
  18. Jumping Lunge
  19. Landmine Hack Squat
  20. Landmine Squat
  21. Leg Curl On Ball
  22. Leg Extension
  23. Leg Press
  24. Lying Leg Curl
  25. Nordic Hamstring Eccentric
  26. Pause Squat
  27. Reverse Barbell Lunge
  28. Romanian Deadlift
  29. Safety Bar Squat
  30. Seated Leg Curl
  31. Shallow Body Weight Lunge
  32. Side Lunges (Bodyweight)
  33. Smith Machine Squat
  34. Squat
  35. Step Up
  36. Zercher Squat

Back Exercises

  1. Assisted Chin-Up
  2. Assisted Pull-Up
  3. Back Extension
  4. Banded Muscle-Up
  5. Barbell Row
  6. Barbell Shrug
  7. Block Clean
  8. Block Snatch
  9. Cable Close Grip Seated Row
  10. Cable Wide Grip Seated Row
  11. Chin-Up
  12. Clean
  13. Clean and Jerk
  14. Deadlift
  15. Deficit Deadlift
  16. Dumbbell Deadlift
  17. Dumbbell Row
  18. Dumbbell Shrug
  19. Floor Back Extension
  20. Good Morning
  21. Hang Clean
  22. Hang Power Clean
  23. Hang Power Snatch
  24. Hang Snatch
  25. Inverted Row
  26. Inverted Row with Underhand Grip
  27. Jefferson Curl
  28. Jumping Muscle-Up
  29. Kettlebell Swing
  30. Lat Pulldown With Pronated Grip
  31. Lat Pulldown With Supinated Grip
  32. Muscle-Up (Bar)
  33. Muscle-Up (Rings)
  34. One-Handed Cable Row
  35. One-Handed Lat Pulldown
  36. Pause Deadlift
  37. Pendlay Row
  38. Power Clean
  39. Power Snatch
  40. Pull-Up
  41. Pull-Up With a Neutral Grip
  42. Rack Pull
  43. Ring Pull-Up
  44. Ring Row
  45. Seal Row
  46. Seated Machine Row
  47. Snatch
  48. Snatch Grip Deadlift
  49. Stiff-Legged Deadlift
  50. Straight Arm Lat Pulldown
  51. Sumo Deadlift
  52. T-Bar Row
  53. Trap Bar Deadlift With High Handles
  54. Trap Bar Deadlift With Low Handles

Glute Exercises

  • Banded Side Kicks
  • Cable Pull Through
  • Clamshells
  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
  • Dumbbell Frog Pumps
  • Fire Hydrants
  • Frog Pumps
  • Glute Bridge
  • Hip Abduction Against Band
  • Hip Abduction Machine
  • Hip Thrust
  • Hip Thrust Machine
  • Hip Thrust With Band Around Knees
  • Lateral Walk With Band
  • Machine Glute Kickbacks
  • One-Legged Glute Bridge
  • One-Legged Hip Thrust
  • Reverse Hyperextension
  • Romanian Deadlift
  • Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
  • Standing Glute Kickback in Machine
  • Step Up

Ab Exercises

  • Ball Slams
  • Cable Crunch
  • Crunch
  • Dead Bug
  • Hanging Knee Raise
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Hanging Sit-Up
  • High to Low Wood Chop with Band
  • Horizontal Wood Chop with Band
  • Kneeling Ab Wheel Roll-Out
  • Kneeling Plank
  • Kneeling Side Plank
  • Lying Leg Raise
  • Lying Windshield Wiper
  • Lying Windshield Wiper with Bent Knees
  • Machine Crunch
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Oblique Crunch
  • Oblique Sit-Up
  • Plank
  • Plank with Leg Lifts
  • Side Plank
  • Sit-Up

Calves Exercises

  • Barbell Standing Calf Raise
  • Eccentric Heel Drop
  • Heel Raise
  • Seated Calf Raise
  • Standing Calf Raise

Do each move for 20 seconds. Do this warm-up twice.

  • Jumping jack
  • Inchworm walkout to shoulder tap
  • Squat
  • Circuit:

Do each move for 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds in between each move. Do the entire circuit twice.

  • Blast-off push-up
  • Squat thrust
  • Pendulum lunge
  • Mountain climber twist
  • Pause squat
  • Plank up to frogger
  • Burnout ladder:

Do 1 rep of each, then 2 reps of each, then 3 reps, etc., and go as high as you can get in 3 minutes.

  • Touchdown jack
  • Panther shoulder tap
  • Burpee
  • Cool-down:

Do each move for 10 to 30 seconds…or longer if it feels good and you have time.

  • Child’s pose
  • Downward Facing Dog
  • Forward fold
  • Standing quad stretch
  • Shoulder circle

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