Economic Survey 2024 PDF

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Economic Survey 2024
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Economic Survey 2024

The Economic Survey is a thorough annual study that provides insights into the prospects of the Indian economy by analyzing its performance during the previous year. The Chief Economic Advisor (CEA) usually presents it before the Union Budget, giving the government’s financial plans a crucial background.

Comprehensive Analysis: It provides a detailed overview of the economic performance of the country over the past financial year, including analysis of various sectors such as agriculture, industry, and services.

Statistical Data: Contains a wealth of statistical data related to economic parameters like GDP growth, inflation, employment, fiscal deficit, and more.

Policy Recommendations: Suggests policy measures to address economic challenges and promote growth. These recommendations are often considered in the formulation of the Union Budget.

Review of Government Programmes: Evaluate the effectiveness of government programmes and initiatives.

The absence of an economic survey

India will hold elections in 2024. Given the possibility of a change in government following the elections, presenting the regular Economic Survey—a document that analyzes the performance of the previous year and the outlook for the future—could become politicized. This can interfere with the regular Budget process’s ability to run smoothly, which usually comes after the survey presentation.

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