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500+ Collective Nouns List
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Collective Nouns List for Competitive Exam

250+ Collective Nouns List from A-Z

Collective Noun Example
A gang of prisoners A group of dancers
A horde of savages A host of angels
A line of kings A mob of rioters
A pack of thieves A party of friends
A patrol of policemen A posse of policemen
A regiment of soldiers A staff of employees
A team of players A tribe of natives
A troop of scouts A troupe of artistes
An army of ants A bevy of quail
A brood of chickens A catch of fish
A cloud of insects A battery of guns
A block of flats A book of notes
A bouquet of flowers A bowl of rice
A bunch of keys A bundle of sticks
A catalogue of prices A chest of drawers
A nest of mice A pack of wolves
A plague of locusts A pride of lions
A school of whales A body of men
A crew of sailors A collection of coins
A comb of bananas A string of horses
A stud of horses A zoo of wild animals
A crowd of people An anthology of poems
A bale of cotton A basket of fruit
A batch of bread A galaxy of stars
A group of islands A fleet of ships
A forest of trees A hail of bullets
A hand of bananas A harvest of wheat
A heap of rubbish A hedge of bushes
A library of books An outfit of clothes
A class of students A company of actors
A gaggle of geese A haul of fish
A herd of cattle A hive of bees
A quiver of arrows A range of mountains
A ream of paper A reel of film
A set of clubs A sheaf of grain
A shower of rain A stack of wood
A string of pearls A wad of notes
A cluster of coconuts A cloud of dust
A caravan of gypsies A choir of singers
A bunch of crocks A caravan of gypsies
A bunch of crocks A choir of singers
A caravan of gypsies A bunch of crocks

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