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Champak Story

Champak has also been conducting Story Writing Contests for children under 12 years old since 2008. The final round is held in New Delhi.
Champak’s annual writing and painting competition is called ‘Champak Creative Child Contest. Champak Magazine is also published in different languages like English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, and Telugu.

Champak Magazine – Kids Story

Sapna was the monitor of class 7A. She was active and chirpy as a parrot. Ever willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates, she was the joy of her class.

Anyone who had any issue or wanted to solve any problem came to Sapna for solution. This was because, according to Sapna, “Wherever a problem exists, the solution also exists. You just have to persist.” This earned her the tag of ‘Scintillating Sapna’.

The final exams were just two months away. It was recess time and Krisha, Hrithika, Aisha, Vaibhav, Kiran and Michael were looking tense. Sapna, who had just finished some work that the class teacher, Ms. Fernandes, had given her, walked into class. “What’s up? Has the sky fallen or is there going to be a tsunami?” she asked, trying to lighten the situation.

“Sapna, Why do we even have exams? It’s so boring to study, and give exams every year,” complained Krisha. “Yes. Sapna. What are they for? Why can’t they just give us marks for our understanding of the subject?” asked Kiran.“That would make things so much easier for us. Also, the teachers will not have to correct so many answer papers,” said Hrithika.

Michael, who loved nature, said, “Yes. It would save so much paper. We have to think of nature conservation first, not exams.”Vaibhav, who was a voracious reader, said, “I would be able to read so many interesting novels, rather than delve deep into the geography of hills and mountains I would never explore.”

Aisha, who loved trekking, glared at him. “I love geography. I would throw a rock at you for saying such things. The hills and mountains are so beautiful. It is interesting to know about the type of rocks, trees, and the topography of regions.”

Sapna smiled at them. She said, “Oh…so that’s it. The exam monster has attacked you. That’s why you are all looking tense.”She then sat down with them. She continued, “OK, I have an idea. Let’s make our studies interesting.”

To this, Vaibhav said, “Nothing can make me love geography.” Aisha looked at him in anger. Michael, who loved the subject of English and also nature, said poetically,“Take me to a park, or a playground, Take me outside in nature, Everything is over there, All the poetry of English, All the problems of Maths, All the mysteries of Science, All the forts in History or All the mountains in Geography.”

Krisha laughed and said, “He plans to travel the world when the exams are coming nearer!” The rest of them also started laughing and the atmosphere lightened. “Okay, Sapna, tell us how we can make our studies interesting,” said Kiran. “Yes. After all, studies do take up most of our time. It would be good to make it interesting,” said Hrithika. All of them were all ears for Sapna. She was, after all, ‘Scintillating Sapna’.

Sapna said, “Look, let’s set up weekly goals for our studies. More importantly, let’s help each other clear doubts. None of us is an expert in all subjects, but each of us does like a particular subject more than the others.” Krisha said, “That’s true. I like History very much.”

“So you could be the group head for History. Michael could be the head for English. Aisha shall be the group head for geography… and so on. If any of the group heads are not able to clear a particular doubt, then we shall meet and clear the doubt from the respective subject teachers,” said Sapna.

Vaibhav said, “That’s a good idea. It’s time I delved deep into my school books rather than my novels.” Sapna announced in class about the group. She told the whole class to form different study groups and see that no student was left out. Each student was now filled with energy and hope. They prepared their own study charts, set up weekly goals, and looked forward to seeing each other’s progress in their studies.

The teachers were also told about the study groups and they were very happy about it. Earlier the students looked tired, dull and tense. Now, they had got back their zest for life, all sparked by the bubbly Sapna. Sapna said, “Let us try to understand what we read, then it makes writing the answers easier. Let’s compete with ourselves so that we can better the marks we got in our previous exam.”

Vaibhav, who almost always got the highest marks, said in an amused tone, “Sapna, can I get 51 out of 50?” The rest of them laughed. Sapna also laughed. She said, “By trying to improve our own marks, at least, we won’t be trying to get each other’s throats!” All the students in the class were very happy. “I think we do require a name for our group. What shall we call them? Any suggestions?” asked Sapna.

A voice came from a girl who usually spoke less, but loved doing Karate… “The Stress Busters.” It was Disha, who packed the last punch. Exam fever was now lesser and all the students had written their exams with confidence and with much less stress. The results showed a marked improvement from the previous term. They had all passed in every subject and many more students had come into the merit list. Together, they had helped each other succeed.

All the children in the class were happy. Krisha said to Sapna, “You truly are scintillating. Studies don’t seem to be boring anymore. The teachers praised the class for their whole-hearted group effort in studying. ‘The Stress Busters’ group were a hit. They set an example for the other classes, who were inspired by them to form such groups in their classes too.

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