Certificate for Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Form 2025 PDF

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Certificate for Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Form 2025

This PDF contains the application form for Aadhaar Enrolment/Update, issued by the Government of India. You can easily download it from the official UIDAI website at https://uidai.gov.in/, or access it directly from the link provided below.

Importance of Aadhaar Card

The Aadhaar Card serves as essential identity proof issued by the government. It is a vital document required to avail of various government schemes and benefits. Many people rely on it for identification purposes.

Certificate Format for Aadhaar

The format included in this PDF is meant for certificates that need to be issued by authorized officials or recognized institutions. These certificates must be from the valid list of documents approved by UIDAI, serving as proof of identity and address, as outlined in Appendix A/B.

Certificate for Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Form – Details to be Mentioned

  • Tick on Resident/ Non-Resident
  • Pre Enrollment ID (If applicable)
  • Name of the Applicants and personal details
  • Address
  • For Document Based mentioned the details of the document
  • For Introducer Based mention the – Introducer’s Aadhaar No
  • For HoF Based mention the details of the HOF’s EID/Aadhaar Number
  • And any other details

The Aadhaar enrollment process includes visiting the Enrollment Center, filling out the enrollment form, getting demographic and biometric data captured, and submitting proof of Identity and address documents, before collecting an acknowledgment slip containing the Enrollment ID.

Certificate for Aadhaar Enrollment/Update Form – How to Apply

  • Aadhaar enrollment is free of cost.
  • You can go to any authorized Aadhaar enrollment center anywhere in India with your proof of identity and proof of address documents
  • UIDAI process accepts a wide range of POI (Proof of Identity) and POA (Proof of Address) documents. View the list of supporting documents. Common proofs of identity and address are election photo ID card, ration card, passport, and driving license.
  • Photo ID cards like PAN cards and Govt ID cards are permissible for identity proof. Address proof documents also include water – electricity – Landline telephone bills for the last three months.
  • In case you do not have the above common proofs, a Certificate of Identify having a photo issued by Gazetted Officer/Tehsildar on letterhead is also accepted as PoI. A certificate of Address having a photo issued by MP or MLA /Gazetted Officer/Tehsildar on letterhead or by the Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority (for rural areas) is accepted as valid PoA.
  • Even if someone in a family does not have individual valid documents, the resident can still enroll if his/her name exists in the family entitlement document. In this case, the Head of the Family in the entitlement document needs to be enrolled first with a valid PoI & PoA document. The head of the Family can then introduce other members of the family while they are enrolling. UIDAI accepts many document types as Proof of Relationship. Please view the list of supporting documents.
  • Where there are no documents available, residents may also take the help of Introducers available at the enrollment center. The Introducers are notified by the Registrar. For further details please contact the office of the concerned Registrar.

नया आधार कार्ड कैसे बनवाएं

  • नया आधार कार्ड बनवाने के लिए आपको अपने नजदीक CSC सेंटर पर जाना होगा।
  • सेंटर पर जाने के बाद आपको Aadhaar Enrollment/Update Form लेकर अपनी सारी जानकारी सही तरीके के दर्ज करनी होगी।
  • इस आवेदन फॉर्म के साथ आपको जरूरी दस्तावेज लगाने होंगे जैसे :- Voter Card, Pan Card, Ration Card आदि।
  • यदि आपके पास उपरोक्त सामान्य प्रमाण नहीं हैं, तो लेटरहेड पर राजपत्रित अधिकारी/तहसीलदार द्वारा जारी एक फोटो वाला पहचान प्रमाण पत्र भी पीओआई के रूप में स्वीकार किया जाता है। सांसद या विधायक / राजपत्रित अधिकारी / तहसीलदार द्वारा लेटरहेड पर या ग्राम पंचायत प्रमुख या इसके समकक्ष प्राधिकारी (ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के लिए) द्वारा जारी पते का प्रमाण पत्र वैध पीओए के रूप में स्वीकार किया जाता है।

Certificate for Aadhaar enrolment Form – Apply Through three Approaches :

  1. Document-Based
    1. Submission of one valid Proof of Identity (PoI) document and one valid Proof of Address(PoA) document
  2. Head Of Family (Hof)-based
    1. The Head of the family (HoF) may introduce family members by means of documents, which establish the Proof of Relationship (POR).
  3. Introducer-based
    1. In the absence of a valid Proof of Identity (PoI) document and valid Proof of Address (PoA) document, an introducer’s service can be leveraged. An introducer is a person appointed by the Registrar and should have a valid Aadhaar number.
    2. At the enrolment Centre, please fill in your personal details within the Enrolment Form. Your photo, fingerprints, and iris scan will also be taken as a part of the enrolment. You can review the details you have provided and make corrections during enrolment itself. You will get an acknowledgment slip with an enrolment number and other details captured during enrolment. Any correction in the enrolment data can be done within 96 hours of enrolment by visiting the enrollment center with the acknowledgment slip.

Certificate for Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Form – Documents Required

  1. Proof of Identity (POI) and Proof of Address (PoA) documents:-
    1. Passport
    2. PAN Card
    3. Ration/ PDS Photo Card
    4. Voter ID
    5. Driving License
    6. Government Photo ID Cards/ Service photo identity card issued by PSU
    7. NREGS Job Card
    8. Photo ID issued by Recognized Educational Institution
    9. Arms License
    10. Photo Bank ATM Card
    11. Photo Credit Card
    12. Pensioner Photo Card
    13. Freedom Fighter Photo Card
    14. Kissan Photo Passbook
    15. CGHS/ ECHS Photo Card
    16. And any other documents

Certificate for Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Form – Overview

Form TypeAadhaar Card
Form NameAadhaar Enrolment/Update Form
Issue AuthorityCentral Government
UsesConsidered as Proof of Identity
Official Websiteuidai.gov.in

Make sure you download the application form to ensure you have everything necessary for your Aadhaar enrolment or update process.

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