CBSE Board OMR Sheet for Class 10th & 12th PDF

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CBSE Board OMR Sheet for Class 10th & 12th
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CBSE Board OMR Sheet for Class 10th & 12th

Central Board Secondary Education using OMR for the first time for assessment of both Classes- X and XII in Term-I examinations. Hence, there is a need that all the students appearing in the Term-I examinations and the schools sponsoring these students should have complete knowledge about the OMR

CBSE OMR Sheet – Features

  • There is a space for answering 60 questions in an OMR irrespective of total questions given in the Question Papers of any subject. Candidates will use maximum circles as per total questions given in the Question Paper for giving responses. This should be only in serial.
  • Answers given after the maximum question number will not be evaluated. Meaning thereby, if there are 45 questions in some Question Papers and the candidate is changing Question no 46 in OMR and writing this question as 45 and then giving the answer, it will not be evaluated
  • For giving a response, 4 circles i.e. (a),(b),(c),& (d) are given in front of each question in a row. Candidates once confident about the correctness of reply should darken the circle with a pen.
  • After 4 circles are over, a box is given in the same row. Candidates have to write the correct option in this box i.e. a or b or c or d as the answer is
  • After the box, again a circle is given ahead of box wherein the question number is also written inside the circle. This circle is to be darkened by the candidates if they have not attempted this question
  • Candidates are advised that first of all they should mark the response by darkening the circle. If fully satisfied then they should write a response in a box. Purpose of giving a box is only that if any candidate wishes to change the response, the same be written in the box.
  • Even if a candidate is satisfied with darkening the circle, this response has to be written in the box. Candidates have to reply both in a circle and in a box.
  • Reply written in the box will be treated as final.
  • If the box is empty and the response is marked in the circle, it will be considered that the Question has not been attempted by the candidate.
  • If the response is given in a box and the circle is left blank, it will be considered that the Question has been attempted by the candidate.
  • If all the three i.e. 4 circles, box and last circle are left blank, it will be considered that the question has not been attempted.

Schools are requested that based on the information provided by the CBSE, prac!ice sessions may be organized for the students. Prior to the practice sessions, teachers must also get acquainted themself well with the OMR.

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