EBalbharti Books for Class 1st to 12th
EBalbharti books for all classes from 1st to 12th PDF is available on the official website from where these can be downloaded very easily. EBalbharati is designed as a digital learning platform where you will get the required Books, Notes, and Study Materials prescribed by the Maharashtra State Board.
The latest eBalbharati books PDF can be downloaded from the official website ebalbharati.in by selecting the class, subject, medium and other details. MSBSHSE has taken this initiative and provides all the related books for Students appearing for SSC and HSC Exams every year. Download the Maharashtra Board Textbooks both in Marathi and English Mediums for free of cost from here and ace up your preparation.
How to Download Balbharati Books in Format
Below is the complete step-by-step procedure to download Balbharti books PDF from the official website.
STEP 1: Visit the official website of https://cart.ebalbharati.in as shown below.

STEP 2: Now you can select the class, Mediums, and subjects for the class for which you want to download books 2020. For example, we have selected the Bal Bharati books 2020 for class 1, Marathi Medium and Language subject as shown below.

STEP 3: Now you have click the Download buttom to download Balbharati books in PDF format as shown below.

STEP 4: In the next step, after clicking the Download button, you will see a popup blocker, where you have to allow popups in your browser window, here we are taking the example of a Google Chrome web browser on the Desktop system, as seen in the screenshot below.

In this step, you will have to choose the “Allow Pop-ups and redirects from https://cart.ebalbharati.in” and click done.
STEP 5: After allowing the popup, you may see that the EBalbharti Book PDF is opened in a new tab, now, in order to download the PDF and save it on your mobile/computer, you will have to click the download button as shown below in the image.

STEP 6: Choose the appropriate location for your book and click save. The PDF book will be available on your computer/mobile for reading anytime sooner or later until you delete it.
Download EBalbharati Books
So, what are you waiting for? visit the official website at https://cart.ebalbharati.in/BalBooks/ebook.aspx and download the eBalBharati books PDF from classes 1st to 12th as per your choice.
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