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B.Tech Courses List 2024
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All B.Tech Courses List

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) is an Undergraduate Engineering Degree that is awarded to the candidates after completing 4 Years of study in a specific field.

Latest Engineering Courses List

S. No.Course NameCourse DurationSpecialization
1B.Tech. (Aerospace Engineering)4 YearsAero Engineering Thermodynamics, Introduction to Aero Space Engineering, Satellites and Space System Design, Rockets and Missiles.
2B.Tech. (Agricultural and Food Engineering)3 Years
3B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering)4 YearsEnvironment and Ecology, Engineering Thermodynamics, Material Science, Strength of Materials, Soil Mechanics, Hydrology.
4B.Tech. (Agricultural Information Technology)4 Years
5B.Tech. (Apparel Production Management)4 Years
6B.Tech. (Applied Electronics and Instrumentation)4 YearsNetwork Theory, Solid State devices, Basic Electronics Engineering & Information Technology, Signal Communication.
7B.Tech. (Applied Mechanics)4 YearsElectro-Techniques, Basic Thermo-fluids, Workshop Technology, Applied Thermodynamics, Industrial Engineering.
8B.Tech. (Architectural Engineering)4 YearsMaterial Science, Value Education, Principles of Environmental Science, Architectural Graphics.
9B.Tech. (Automobile Engineering)4 YearsElectronics and Instrumentation, Manufacturing Technology, Mechanics of Solids, Machines and Mechanisms.
10B.Tech. (Automotive Design Engineering)4 YearsIntroduction to Transportation Systems, Components of Automotive Chassis, Kinematics & Dynamic Machine, Manufacturing Technology.
11B.Tech. (Avionics Engineering)4 YearsEngineering Materials, Engineering Graphics, Analogue Electronic Circuit, Signal and Systems, Digital Communication.
12B.Tech. (Biochemical Engineering)4 YearsBiomedical Instrumentation, Basic Medical Instrumentation, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Bio Transducers and Electrodes.
13B.Tech. (Bioinformatics)4 YearsStructural Chemistry, Bioinformatics Algorithms, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Immunology, Biophysical Chemistry.
14B.Tech. (Biomedical Engineering)4 YearsHuman Anatomy & Physiology, Dynamics of Bio-fluids, Embedded systems in Medicine, Medical Informatics and expert systems, Biomedical Signal Processing.
15B.Tech. (Biomedical Instrumentation)4 YearsMedical Imaging, Physiologic Modelling, Prosthetic Devices, Physiologic Control, Artificial Organs.
16B.Tech. (Bioprocess Technology)4 YearsMolecular Biology, Microbiology, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Enzyme Engineering, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics.
17B.Tech. (Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering)4 YearsMicrobiology, Industrial Microbiology & Enzyme Technology, Agriculture, Medicine, Cell & Molecular Biology.
18B.Tech. (Biotechnology)4 YearsBiomedical Instrumentation, Introduction to Medical Physics, Medical Imaging Techniques, Basic Pathology and Basic Microbiology, Virtual Instrumentation.
19B.Tech. (Carpet and Textile Technology)4 YearsYarn Manufacture, Carpet Manufacture, Textile Testing, Fibre Science, Textile Mechanics.
20B.Tech. (Ceramic Technology)4 YearsPlanning and developing processing systems, Planning and implementation of processing methodologies, Research and development of the ceramic materials.
21B.Tech. (Ceramic and Cement Technology)4 Years
22B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering)4 YearsFertilizer Technology, Food Technology, Drugs, and Pharmaceutical Technology, Polymer and Plastics Technology.
23B.Tech. (Chemical Science and Technology)4 YearsPlant Design, Engineering Thermodynamics, Process Analysis and Control, Separation Processes, Chemical Kinetics.
24B.Tech. (Civil Engineering)4 YearsEngineering Economics, Civil Engineering Materials, and Building Construction, Soil Mechanics, Concrete Structure Design.
25B.Tech. (Civil Infrastructure Engineering)4 YearsHydraulic Structures, Advanced Surveying and Remote Sensing, Construction Equipment, Tall Building Structures, Transportation Engineering.
26B.Tech. (Cloud Computing & Virtualization Technology)4 Years
27B.Tech. (Computer and Information Science)3 YearsDataBase Management System, Computer Organization, Software Engineering, Interactive Computer Graphics.
28B.Tech. (Computer Engineering)4 YearsC & Data Structures, Computers and Information Technology, Managerial Economics and Accountancy, System Programming.
29B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering)4 YearsComputer Graphics, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Organization.
30B.Tech. (Dairy Technology)4 YearsDairy Process Engineering, Dairy Plant Design, and Layout, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Food Engineering.
31B.Tech. (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)4 YearsBasic System Analysis, Thermal & Hydraulic Machines, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Control Systems, Power System Analysis.
32B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering)4 YearsApplied Thermodynamics, Circuit Theory, Digital Circuits, Analogue Circuits, Managerial Economics.
33B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)4 YearsElectronics Engineering, Manufacturing Process, Electrical Technology, Engineering Mechanics, Signals & Systems.
34B.Tech. (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering)4 YearsRobotics, Telecommunication, Biomedical, and Computer Control in Process applications, VLSI, Fibre Optics.
35B.Tech. (Electronics and Media Technology)4 YearsElectromagnetic Fields, Signals & Systems, Network Analysis, Digital Communication Systems, Microprocessor Engineering.
36B.Tech. (Electronics and Nanotechnology)4 YearsBio-Nanotechnology, Advanced Electronics, and Instrumentation, Nano-photonics, Nano-toxicology.
37B.Tech. (Electronics and Telecom Engineering)4 YearsSolid State Devices, Microprocessors, Analogue Integrated Circuits, Analogue and Digital Transmission & Reception of Data.
38B.Tech. (Electronics Engineering)4 YearsNetwork Analysis, Analogue Circuits & Systems, Electromagnetic Fields, Electrical Circuits & Systems.
39B.Tech. (Energy Engineering)4 YearsDigital Electronic Circuits, Energy Resources & Technology, Power Systems, Heat Transfer, Solar Energy Technology.
40B.Tech. (Energy Technology)3 YearsThermodynamics, Energy Resources & Technology, Power Electronics & Drives, Solar Energy Technology, Energy Conversion Processes.
41B.Tech. (Engineering Physics)4 YearsQuantum Mechanics, Biophysics, Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy, Computational Physics, Engineering Optics.
42B.Tech. (Environmental Engineering)4 YearsInstrumental Analysis, Mechanics of Solids, Water Engineering, Solid Waste Management, Environmental Science & Biochemistry.
43B.Tech. (Fashion and Lifestyle Design) (FLD)4 Years
44B.Tech. (Fashion Technology)4 YearsBasic Textiles, Fashion Model Drawing, Fabric Manufacturing, Basic Sewing, Dyeing & Printing, Fashion Marketing.
45B.Tech. (Food Process Engineering)4 YearsProduction Technology of Field Crops, General Microbiology, Basic Horticulture, Principles of Biochemistry, Heat Power Engineering.
46B.Tech. (Food Science)4 YearsBasic Nutrition, Food Microbiology, Fruits and Vegetable Technology, Food Engineering.
47B.Tech. (Food Technology)4 YearsDairy Plant Engineering, Biochemistry of Processing & Preservation, Food Fermentation Technology, Food Industry Waste Management.
48B.Tech. (Footwear Technology)4 Years
49B.Tech. (Genetic Engineering)4 YearsPrinciples of Environmental Science, Cell Biology, Enzyme Technology, Immunology, Genetics, and Cytogenetics.
50B.Tech. (Geo Informatics Engineering)4 YearsPhotogrammetry, Surveying, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Geo-Databases, GIS Programming.
51B.Tech. (Geo Sciences Engineering)4 YearsPlanning & Surveying, Statistical Method in Geosciences, Sedimentology, Geo-Thermal Science, Soil Mechanics, and Foundation Engineering.
52B.Tech. (Hons.) (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)4 YearsElectrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments, Microprocessors, Engineering & Managerial Economics, Data Communication Networks.
53B.Tech. (Hons.) (Industrial and Production Engineering)4 YearsCasting, Forming & Welding, Design of Machine Elements, Manufacturing Processes, Industrial Automation.
54B.Tech. (Hons.) Mechanical Engineering4 YearsTheory of Machines, Dynamics of Machinery, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machines, Advanced Solid Mechanics.
55B.Tech. (Hons.) Agricultural Engineering4 YearsEnvironment and Ecology, Engineering Thermodynamics, Material Science, Fluid Mechanics, Soil Mechanics.
56B.Tech. (Hons.) Automobile Engineering4 YearsMaterials Technology, Theory of Automotive Engines, Fluid Power Control, Automotive Electrical Systems, Automotive Transmission.
57B.Tech. (Hons.) Biotechnology4 YearsMicroprocessors and Microcontrollers, Biomedical Instrumentation, Medical Imaging Techniques, Basic Pathology, and Basic Microbiology.
58B.Tech. (Hons.) Chemical Engineering4 YearsBio-molecular Engineering, Ceramics, Corrosion Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Industrial Gas.
59B.Tech. (Hons.) Civil Engineering4 YearsSoil Mechanics, Steel Structure Design, Irrigation Engg. and Hydrology, Foundation Engineering.
60B.Tech. (Hons.) Computer Science and Engineering4 YearsLogical & Functional Programming, Telecommunication Fundamentals, Information Theory and Coding, Computer Networks, Design & Analysis of Algorithms.
61B.Tech. (Hons.) Electrical Communication Engineering4 Years
62B.Tech. (Hons.) Petroleum Engineering4 YearsPetroleum Formation Evaluation, Improved Oil Recovery and Reservoir Simulation, Petroleum Exploration, Petroleum Refining Technology.
63B.Tech. (Humanities and Management)4 Years
64B.Tech. (Industrial and Production Engineering)4 YearsMetallurgy and Heat Treatment, Manufacturing Processes, Production Planning and Control, Casting, Forming & Welding, Industrial Automation.
65B.Tech. (Industrial Biotechnology)4 YearsBioinformatics, Bioprocess Engineering, Bioethics, Immunology, Genetic Engineering.
66B.Tech. (Industrial Engineering and Management)4 YearsFinancial Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Operations Research, Supply Chain, Ergonomics.
67B.Tech. (Industrial Engineering)4 YearsManagement of Inventory Systems, Casting, Forming and Welding, Engineering Economy, Costing and Accounting.
68B.Tech. (Industrial Microbiology)4 YearsElementary Biology, Biophysics, Mechanics & Transport Process, Molecular Biology, Enzymology & Enzyme Technology.
69B.Tech. (Information and Communication Technology)4 Years
70B.Tech. (Information Science and Engineering)4 YearsNetworking, Operating Systems, Design and analysis of Algorithms, Database Management, File Structures.
71B.Tech. (Information Technology)4 YearsComputer Communication Network, Introduction to Web Technology, Management Information Systems, Applications of Microprocessor.
72B.Tech. (Infrastructure Engineering)4 YearsComputer-Aided Engineering Graphics, Concrete Technology, Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics, Water Resource Engineering.
73B.Tech. (Instrumentation and Control Engineering)4 YearsLinear Electronics, Control System Components, Applied Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Biomedical Instrumentation.
74B.Tech. (Instrumentation Engineering)4 YearsBasics of Industrial Sociology, Economics, and Management, Linear Integrated Circuits, Control System Components, Fuzzy Logic Control.
75B.Tech. (Leather Technology)4 YearsLeather Goods and Garment Technology, Footwear Technology, Organisation and Management of Leather Manufacture, Tannery Waste Management.
76B.Tech. (Mainframe Technology)4 YearsSoftware Engineering and UML, Z/OS services, Advanced IDE, HTML Programming, Storage Technology Foundation.
77B.Tech. (Manufacturing & Management)4 Years
78B.Tech. (Manufacturing Technology)4 YearsModern methods of manufacture, Metal Cutting and Machine Tools, Materials Handling and Automation, Engineering Metrology.
79B.Tech. (Marine Engineering)4 YearsMarine Boiler and Steam Engineering, Marine IC Engineering, Ship Construction, Naval Architecture, Power Plant Operation.
80B.Tech. (Material Science Engineering)4 YearsIndustrial Economics, Phase Equilibrium in Materials, Fundamentals of Materials Processing, Industrial Management.
81B.Tech. (Mathematics and Computing)4 YearsDiscrete Mathematics, Digital Design, Data Structures and Algorithms, Monte Carlo Simulation, Data Communication.
82B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)4 YearsTheory of Machines, Machine Drawing and Computer Graphics, Dynamics of Machinery, Electrical Machines and Control.
83B.Tech. (Mechatronics Engineering)4 YearsMaterials Technology, Mathematics for Mechatronic Systems, Instrumentation and Control Systems, Manufacturing Technology.
84B.Tech. (Medical Electronics)4 YearsLogic Design, Electronic Instrumentation, Microcontrollers, Signals & Systems, Biomedical Instrumentation, Biological Control Systems.
85B.Tech. (Metallurgical Engineering)4 YearsMetallurgical Thermodynamics, Mineral Beneficiation, Transport Phenomena, Elements of Physical Metallurgy, Machine Elements, and Machining.
86B.Tech. (Metallurgy)4 Years
87B.Tech. (Mineral Engineering)4 YearsEnvironmental Engineering & Safety, Optimization Engineering, Mining Methods & Unit Operation, Material Handling Systems.
88B.Tech. (Mining Engineering)4 YearsEnvironmental Aspects of Mining, Industrial Management, Design of Engineering Structures, Rock Mechanics.
89B.Tech. (Missile Technology)4 Years
90B.Tech. (Nanotechnology)4 YearsElements of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nanochemistry, Microscopy to Nanoscopy, Micro and Nanofabrication.
91B.Tech. (Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering)4 Years
92B.Tech. (Nuclear Power Technology)4 Years
93B.Tech. (Nuclear Science & Engineering)4 YearsMolecular and Cell Biology, Computer in Reactor Analysis, Reactor Theory, and Kinetics.
94B.Tech. (Oil & Gas Informatics)4 YearsStorage Technology Foundation, Understanding Petrochemicals, Production Engineering.
95B.Tech. (Optics and Optoelectronics)3 Years
96B.Tech. (Packaging Technology)4 Years
97B.Tech. (Paint Technology)4 Years
98B.Tech. (Petrochemical Engineering)4 YearsPetroleum Geology and Exploration, Petrochemical Process, Modelling and Simulation, Advanced Petroleum Refining.
99B.Tech. (Pharmaceutical Technology)4 YearsPharmaceutical process calculation, Pharmaceutical Engineering Laws, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physiology & Pharmacology, Chemical & Biothermodynamics.
100B.Tech. (Physical Sciences)4 YearsRemote Sensing and Applications, Classical Mechanics, Earth System Science, Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences.
101B.Tech. (Plastic Technology)4 YearsBasics of Polymers, Polymer Physics, Latex Technology, Plastics Processing and Machinery, Technology of Tires and Tubes.
102B.Tech. (Polymer Engineering)4 YearsPlastics Product Design, PVC Piping, Latex Product Manufacturing, Manufacturing of Transmission Systems.
103B.Tech. (Polymer Technology)4 YearsPolymer Chemistry, Polymer Structure, and Property Relationship, Physical Chemistry of Polymers, Polymer Compounding Technology.
104B.Tech. (Power Engineering)3 YearsThermodynamics, Materials Science and Technology, Advance Power Generation Technology, Power System Operation.
105B.Tech. (Power System Engineering)4 YearsPower Generation Engineering, Power Plant Electrical Machines & Systems, Power Transmission, Power Electronics & Electrical Drives.
106B.Tech. (Printing Technology)4 YearsFlexography, Graphic Design, Electronic Composition, Gravure Technology, Printing Management.
107B.Tech. (Production Engineering)4 YearsMetallurgy & Material Science, Electrical Technology, Metrology and Instrumentation, Dynamics of Machinery.
108B.Tech. (Robotics Engineering)4 YearsRigid Body Velocity, Jacobian, Mechanical Designs, Forward Kinematics, Force Control, and Haptics.
109B.Tech. (Rubber Technology)4 YearsPolymer Science and Technology, Plastics Technology, Specialty Polymers, Synthetic Rubbers.
110B.Tech. (Safety and Fire Engineering)4 YearsDisaster Mitigation, Fire Communication Systems, Hydraulics, Town Planning.
111B.Tech. (Silk Technology)4 YearsSilk Reeling Technology, Silk Fabric Manufacturer, Yarn Manufacture, Knitting Technology.
112B.Tech. (Software Engineering)4 YearsComputer Networks, Software Testing, Software Design, Software Architecture.
113B.Tech. (Space Technology)4 YearsIntroduction to Space Vehicle, Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics, Environmental Science and Engineering.
114B.Tech. (Telecommunication Engineering)4 YearsFuzzy logic and Neural Networks, Digital Systems, Digital Communication, VHDL, and VLSI.
115B.Tech. (Textile Chemistry)4 YearsYarn Formation, Fabric Formation, Information Technology in Textile, Design, and Structure of Fabric.
116B.Tech. (Textile Engineering)4 YearsFabric Manufacturer, Textile Chemical Processing, Yarn Manufacturer.
117B.Tech. (Urban & Regional Planning)4 Years
118B.Tech. (Water Resources Engineering)4 YearsWater Control and Measurement, Water Resources Engineering, Surface drainage Systems, Groundwater Technology.

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