All Article of Indian Constitution List PDF

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All Article of Indian Constitution List

All Article of Indian Constitution List

Indian Constitution is a vital document that started with 395 articles divided into 22 parts and 8 schedules when it was adopted in 1950. Today, the Constitution of India has evolved to include 470 articles across 25 parts, 12 schedules, and 5 appendices. So far, there have been 104 amendments made to the Indian Constitution.

Understanding the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution serves as the foundation of the country’s legal framework and is essential for governance. It outlines the rights, duties, and principles that guide the nation.

Importance of the Constitution

It is crucial for every citizen to understand the Indian Constitution. This PDF contains detailed information that helps in grasping its significance. You can download this PDF for a comprehensive overview of the Constitution and its articles.

All Articles of Indian Constitution

Parts in the Constitution of India Subject Matter Total Articles Covered
I The Union and its territory 1 to 4
II Citizenship 5 to 11
III Fundamental Rights 12 to 35
IV Directive Principles of State Policy 36 to 51
IV-A Fundamental Duties 51-A
V The Union Government 52 to 151
VI The State Governments 152 to 237
VIII The Union Territories 239 to 242
IX The Panchayats 243 to 243 O
IX-A The Municipalities 243-P to 243-ZG
IX-B The Co-operative Societies 243-ZH to 243-ZT
X The Scheduled and Tribal Areas 244 to 244-A
XI Relations between the Union and the States 245 to 263
XII Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits 264 to 300-A
XIII Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of India 301 to 307
XIV Services under the Union and the States 308 to 323
XIV-A Tribunals 323-A to 323-B
XV Elections 324 to 329-A
XVI Special Provisions relating to Certain Classes 330 to 342
XVII Official Language 343 to 351
XVIII Emergency Provisions 352 to 360
XIX Miscellaneous 361 to 367
XX Amendment of the Constitution 368
XXI Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions 369 to 392
XXII Short title, Commencement, Authoritative Text in Hindi and Repeals 393 to 395

Part V of the Indian Constitute Consists of

Chapter I The Executive Articles from 52 to 78
Chapter II Parliament 79 to 122
Chapter III Legislative Powers of President 123
Chapter IV The Union Judiciary 124 to 147
Chapter V Comptroller and Auditor-General of India 148 to 151

Part VI of the Indian Constitute Consists of

Chapter I General Article 152
Chapter II The Executive 153 to 167
Chapter III The State Legislature 168 to 212
Chapter IV Legislative Powers of Governor 213
Chapter V The High Courts 214 to 232
Chapter VI Subordinate Courts 233 to 237

Part XI of the Indian Constitute Consists of

Chapter I Legislative Relations Articles from 245 to 255
Chapter II Administrative Relations 256 to 263

Part XII of the Indian Constitute Consists of

Chapter I Finance Articles from 264 to 291
Chapter II Borrowing 292 to 293
Chapter III Property, Contracts, Rights, Liabilities, Obligations and Suits 294 to 300
Chapter IV Right to Property 300-A

Part XIV of the Indian Constitute Consists of

Chapter I Services Articles from 308 to 314
Chapter II Public Service Commissions 315 to 323

Part XVII of the Indian Constitute Consists of

Chapter I Language of the Union Articles from 343 to 344
Chapter II Regional Languages 345 to 347
Chapter III Language of the Supreme Court, High Courts, and so on 348 to 349
Chapter IV Special Directives 350 to 351

The second-largest constitution of the world, the Indian Constitution has been amended 104 times, the latest being on 14th January 2019. It has a preamble and 470 total articles.

Make sure to explore and learn about this monumental document as it shapes the democratic values of India! 📜

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