![Aadhaar Card Correction Form [y]](https://1pdf.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/aadhaar-card-correction-form-pdf.webp)
Aadhaar Card Correction Form 2025
This is an application for Aadhaar Card Correction/Update Form 2025 PDF and this form can be downloaded from the official website of Uidai.gov.in, or it can be directly downloaded from the link given below.
This is an application form for correction/ date update in Aadhaar Card & this form can be obtained from the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Centre or it can be downloaded in PDF format from the link given below. In case the applicant applies for updating various details one by one, he has to pay the fee every time he comes for an update.
Aadhaar Card Correction Form 2025 (Updated) – Highlights
Form Type | Aadhaar Card Correction Form |
Form Name | Aadhaar Card Correction Form PDF |
Type | |
Issue Authority | Central Government |
Uses | Considered as Proof of Identity |
Official Website | uidai.gov.in |
Aadhaar details that can be updated are:
Demographic information | Name, Address, Date of Birth/Age, Gender, Mobile Number, Email Address, Relationship Status and Information Sharing Consent |
Biometric information | Iris, fingerprints and Facial Photograph |
Aadhaar Card Correction Form – Modes of Update
1. Via Online
The Self-Service online mode offers address update to the residents where the resident can directly place the update request on the portal. The Aadhaar number and registered mobile number of the resident are required to login to the portal. The resident is authenticated using OTP on his/her registered mobile number. To complete the update process, resident needs to upload the supporting POA documents, which will be verified against requested data at a later stage at UIDAI’s Update back-office by a Verifier. The resident needs to have mobile number registered with Aadhaar for using this service.
2. By Visiting the Permanent Enrollment Center
These are modes where residents place the demographic/biometric update request with the help of an operator at a Permanent Enrollment Center. In such a case, the documentary evidence is collected by the operator at the time of accepting the request. The document verification by the verifier also happens at the time of placing the Update request. UIDAI currently has envisaged three modes for Assisted Updates:
a. Update Client Standard
Fields: All biometric and demographic fields as well as local language can be updated
Identity Authentication: Biometric check at the back end.
Document Verification
- Verification is done for those fields which require documentary evidence.
- Verification is done by a verifier appointed by UIDAI/Registrars present at the Enrollment / Update Centre.
- The verification procedure followed should be in line with DDSVP Committee Recommendations followed during the enrollment process
Form Filling and Acknowledgement
- Done by the operator on update client as requested by the resident. Handles spelling, language issues, transliteration, etc. The Operator will provide biometric sign-off against every update request.
The Resident gets an acknowledgment receipt with an Update Request Number (URN) which can be tracked.
b. Update Client Lite (UCL)
Fields: All demographic fields and Photos as well as local language can be updated.
Identity Authentication: Biometric Authentication of the resident.
Document Verification
- Verification is done for those fields which require documentary evidence
- Verification is done by a verifier appointed by UIDAI/Registrars present at Enrolment / Update Centre.
- The verification procedure followed should be in line with DDSVP Committee Recommendations followed during the enrolment process
Form Filling and Acknowledgement
- Done by the operator on update client as requested by the resident. The Resident gets an acknowledgment receipt with an Update Request Number (URN) which can be tracked. The operator will provide biometric sign-off against every update request.
c. Update through AUA Point of Presence
This mode will be used by select Registrar who will also become AUAs. UIDAI may provide application / APIs for Updates. The Registrars selected for such updates will be Registrars known to collect/generate/possess and/or manage the particular demographic field and is a custodians of such data.
Fields: Demographic fields
Identity Authentication: Biometric Authentication of resident on the AUA device; UIDAI may decide to use other/additional authentication factors if required. For example mobile OTP, for taking update requests from this mode.
The operator will provide biometric sign-off against every update request. Thus they must have Aadhaar. Auth standards of UIDAI will be applicable for device/s used.
Document Verification: UIDAI will accept updates based on Registrar’s verification process and Resident Authentication. For audit purposes, electronic/scanned document copies may be collected online. These document copies may be captured and received with each resident request or may be made available, by the Registrar, in batches against the Update Request Numbers, Date, and time.
Documents Required for Aadhar Correction Form
- Passport.
- Passbook or Bank Statement.
- Account statement or passbook of the Post Office.
- Ration Card.
- Voter Identification card.
- Driving license of the applicant.
- Photo identification cards are issued by the Government.
You can download the Aadhaar Card Correction Form PDF format using the link given below.
FAQs: Aadhaar Card Enrollment / Update Form 2025
Q. क्या आधार कार्ड को CSC सेण्टर से बनाया जा सकता है?
नहीं,चूँकि अभी तक CSC पोर्टल में आधार कार्ड बनाने की फीचर को शुरू नहीं किया गया है।
Q. ऑनलाइन माध्यम से आधार केंद्र को सर्च कर सकते है?
यदि आप अपने आस-पास आधार केंद्रों की तलाश रहे है तो ऑनलाइन माध्यम से भी सर्च कर प्राप्त कर सकते है।
Q. क्या आधार कार्ड को पहचान के रूप में उपयोग किया जा सकता है?
हाँ,बिलकुल आज के समय में भारत में आधार कार्ड एक मूल पहचान पत्र माना जाता है।
Q. आधार अपडेट हुआ या नहीं कैसे पता चलेगा?
आधार अपडेट होने के पश्चात रजिस्टर्ड मोबाइल नंबर में मैसेज आएगा। इसके अलावा खुद भी आधार की ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट से आधार अपडेट स्टेटस चेक कर सकते है।
Q. फॉर्म का फोटो कॉपी उपयोग किया जा सकता है?
यदि आवेदन फॉर्म को रंगीन में फोटो कॉपी किया जाये तो यूजर आधार सुधार के लिए उपयोग किया जा सकता है। क्योंकि Black and White फोटो कॉपी को कोई सारे आधार केंद्र में अस्वीकार किया जाता है।
Q. यदि कोई भी इंटरनेट कैफ़े वाला आधार अपडेट का दावा करे तो क्या करना चाहिए?
आधार अपडेट का कार्य आधार सेण्टर से ही होती है क्योंकि इसके लिए आईडी होनी चाहिए। अगर कोई इंटरनेट कैफ़े वाला सुधार का दावा करता है तो पहले जान ले की कहीं नकली आधार कार्ड बनाने का कार्य तो नहीं करता है।
Q. UIDAI का फुल फॉर्म क्या होता है?
UIDAI का फुल फॉर्म ‘Unique Identification Authority of India’ होता है। जिसका सबंध आधार कार्ड से है।
Q. आधार कार्डधारक का नाम,पता,जन्म तिथि एवं अन्य विवरण गलत हो तो क्या करे?
ऐसे परिस्थिति में पहले यूजर को कार्ड में दर्ज डिटेल्स का सुधार आधार सेण्टर या फिर जहाँ बनाया जाता है। उन स्थानों से सुधार हेतु अपील कर सकते है।