PM Svanidhi Application Form PDF

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PM Svanidhi Application Form

PM Svanidhi Application Form

PM SVANidhi scheme (PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi) is a Central Sector Scheme i.e. fully funded by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs with the following objectives i.e first is working capital collateral-free loan of ₹10,000, with subsequent loans of ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 with 7% interest subsidy.

The scheme will help formalize the street vendors with the above objectives and will open up new opportunities for this sector to move up the economic ladder. You can download the PM AtmaNirbhar Nidhi Scheme Loan Application Form in PDF format by using given link below.

PM Svanidhi Scheme – Eligibility Criteria

  • Street vendors in possession of an Identity card or Certificate of Vending issued by Urban Local Bodies (ULBs).
  • Street vendors identified in the survey but have not been issued the Certificate of Vending or Identity Card. In such cases, the Provisional Certificate of Vending will be generated for the street vendors.
  • Street Vendors left out of the ULB led identification survey or who have started vending after the completion of the survey but have been issued with the Letter of Recommendation (LoR) by the ULB  or Town Vending Committee (TVC).
  • Street vendors of the surrounding development or rural or peri-urban areas vending in the geographical limits of the ULB and have been issued with the Letter of Recommendation (LoR) by the ULB or TVC.

Documents Required for PM Svanidhi Application Form

  1. Certificate of Vending or ID card issued by ULBs or Letter of Recommendation from ULB or TVC.
  2. Any one of the following-
    1. Aadhaar card.
    2. Voter Identity card.
    3. Driving license.
    4. MGNREGA card.
    5. PAN card.

PM Svanidhi How to Apply

Follow 3 STEPs before starting the online Application Process:

1. Understand the loan application requirements
Properly, understand the information & documents required to fill the Loan application form (LAF) for the Scheme. Keep all the information ready before you start the application process.

2. Make sure your mobile number is linked to your Aadhaar
You are requested to make sure that your mobile phone is linked to your aadhaar number. This will be required for your e KYC/Aadhaar validation during online application process. It will also help you to get letter of Recommendation from ULB (in case required). It will also help you avail future benefits under Government welfare schemes.

It is understood from UIDAI officials that for updating mobile numbers, only a form has to be filled and no additional document is required. A link to UIDAI portal where you can find details of the nearest Aadhaar centre is provided below.

3. Check your eligibility status as per scheme Rules ion to be kept ready
You will fall in one of the following 4 categories of Street vendors. Check your status and the documents/ information which you need to keep ready

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