All B.Tech Courses List
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) is an Undergraduate Engineering Degree that is awarded to the candidates after completing 4 Years of study in a specific field.
Latest Engineering Courses List
S. No. | Course Name | Course Duration | Specialization |
1 | B.Tech. (Aerospace Engineering) | 4 Years | Aero Engineering Thermodynamics, Introduction to Aero Space Engineering, Satellites and Space System Design, Rockets and Missiles. |
2 | B.Tech. (Agricultural and Food Engineering) | 3 Years | – |
3 | B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering) | 4 Years | Environment and Ecology, Engineering Thermodynamics, Material Science, Strength of Materials, Soil Mechanics, Hydrology. |
4 | B.Tech. (Agricultural Information Technology) | 4 Years | – |
5 | B.Tech. (Apparel Production Management) | 4 Years | – |
6 | B.Tech. (Applied Electronics and Instrumentation) | 4 Years | Network Theory, Solid State devices, Basic Electronics Engineering & Information Technology, Signal Communication. |
7 | B.Tech. (Applied Mechanics) | 4 Years | Electro-Techniques, Basic Thermo-fluids, Workshop Technology, Applied Thermodynamics, Industrial Engineering. |
8 | B.Tech. (Architectural Engineering) | 4 Years | Material Science, Value Education, Principles of Environmental Science, Architectural Graphics. |
9 | B.Tech. (Automobile Engineering) | 4 Years | Electronics and Instrumentation, Manufacturing Technology, Mechanics of Solids, Machines and Mechanisms. |
10 | B.Tech. (Automotive Design Engineering) | 4 Years | Introduction to Transportation Systems, Components of Automotive Chassis, Kinematics & Dynamic Machine, Manufacturing Technology. |
11 | B.Tech. (Avionics Engineering) | 4 Years | Engineering Materials, Engineering Graphics, Analogue Electronic Circuit, Signal and Systems, Digital Communication. |
12 | B.Tech. (Biochemical Engineering) | 4 Years | Biomedical Instrumentation, Basic Medical Instrumentation, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Bio Transducers and Electrodes. |
13 | B.Tech. (Bioinformatics) | 4 Years | Structural Chemistry, Bioinformatics Algorithms, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Immunology, Biophysical Chemistry. |
14 | B.Tech. (Biomedical Engineering) | 4 Years | Human Anatomy & Physiology, Dynamics of Bio-fluids, Embedded systems in Medicine, Medical Informatics and expert systems, Biomedical Signal Processing. |
15 | B.Tech. (Biomedical Instrumentation) | 4 Years | Medical Imaging, Physiologic Modelling, Prosthetic Devices, Physiologic Control, Artificial Organs. |
16 | B.Tech. (Bioprocess Technology) | 4 Years | Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Enzyme Engineering, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics. |
17 | B.Tech. (Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering) | 4 Years | Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology & Enzyme Technology, Agriculture, Medicine, Cell & Molecular Biology. |
18 | B.Tech. (Biotechnology) | 4 Years | Biomedical Instrumentation, Introduction to Medical Physics, Medical Imaging Techniques, Basic Pathology and Basic Microbiology, Virtual Instrumentation. |
19 | B.Tech. (Carpet and Textile Technology) | 4 Years | Yarn Manufacture, Carpet Manufacture, Textile Testing, Fibre Science, Textile Mechanics. |
20 | B.Tech. (Ceramic Technology) | 4 Years | Planning and developing processing systems, Planning and implementation of processing methodologies, Research and development of the ceramic materials. |
21 | B.Tech. (Ceramic and Cement Technology) | 4 Years | – |
22 | B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) | 4 Years | Fertilizer Technology, Food Technology, Drugs, and Pharmaceutical Technology, Polymer and Plastics Technology. |
23 | B.Tech. (Chemical Science and Technology) | 4 Years | Plant Design, Engineering Thermodynamics, Process Analysis and Control, Separation Processes, Chemical Kinetics. |
24 | B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) | 4 Years | Engineering Economics, Civil Engineering Materials, and Building Construction, Soil Mechanics, Concrete Structure Design. |
25 | B.Tech. (Civil Infrastructure Engineering) | 4 Years | Hydraulic Structures, Advanced Surveying and Remote Sensing, Construction Equipment, Tall Building Structures, Transportation Engineering. |
26 | B.Tech. (Cloud Computing & Virtualization Technology) | 4 Years | – |
27 | B.Tech. (Computer and Information Science) | 3 Years | DataBase Management System, Computer Organization, Software Engineering, Interactive Computer Graphics. |
28 | B.Tech. (Computer Engineering) | 4 Years | C & Data Structures, Computers and Information Technology, Managerial Economics and Accountancy, System Programming. |
29 | B.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering) | 4 Years | Computer Graphics, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Organization. |
30 | B.Tech. (Dairy Technology) | 4 Years | Dairy Process Engineering, Dairy Plant Design, and Layout, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Food Engineering. |
31 | B.Tech. (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) | 4 Years | Basic System Analysis, Thermal & Hydraulic Machines, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Control Systems, Power System Analysis. |
32 | B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) | 4 Years | Applied Thermodynamics, Circuit Theory, Digital Circuits, Analogue Circuits, Managerial Economics. |
33 | B.Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) | 4 Years | Electronics Engineering, Manufacturing Process, Electrical Technology, Engineering Mechanics, Signals & Systems. |
34 | B.Tech. (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering) | 4 Years | Robotics, Telecommunication, Biomedical, and Computer Control in Process applications, VLSI, Fibre Optics. |
35 | B.Tech. (Electronics and Media Technology) | 4 Years | Electromagnetic Fields, Signals & Systems, Network Analysis, Digital Communication Systems, Microprocessor Engineering. |
36 | B.Tech. (Electronics and Nanotechnology) | 4 Years | Bio-Nanotechnology, Advanced Electronics, and Instrumentation, Nano-photonics, Nano-toxicology. |
37 | B.Tech. (Electronics and Telecom Engineering) | 4 Years | Solid State Devices, Microprocessors, Analogue Integrated Circuits, Analogue and Digital Transmission & Reception of Data. |
38 | B.Tech. (Electronics Engineering) | 4 Years | Network Analysis, Analogue Circuits & Systems, Electromagnetic Fields, Electrical Circuits & Systems. |
39 | B.Tech. (Energy Engineering) | 4 Years | Digital Electronic Circuits, Energy Resources & Technology, Power Systems, Heat Transfer, Solar Energy Technology. |
40 | B.Tech. (Energy Technology) | 3 Years | Thermodynamics, Energy Resources & Technology, Power Electronics & Drives, Solar Energy Technology, Energy Conversion Processes. |
41 | B.Tech. (Engineering Physics) | 4 Years | Quantum Mechanics, Biophysics, Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy, Computational Physics, Engineering Optics. |
42 | B.Tech. (Environmental Engineering) | 4 Years | Instrumental Analysis, Mechanics of Solids, Water Engineering, Solid Waste Management, Environmental Science & Biochemistry. |
43 | B.Tech. (Fashion and Lifestyle Design) (FLD) | 4 Years | – |
44 | B.Tech. (Fashion Technology) | 4 Years | Basic Textiles, Fashion Model Drawing, Fabric Manufacturing, Basic Sewing, Dyeing & Printing, Fashion Marketing. |
45 | B.Tech. (Food Process Engineering) | 4 Years | Production Technology of Field Crops, General Microbiology, Basic Horticulture, Principles of Biochemistry, Heat Power Engineering. |
46 | B.Tech. (Food Science) | 4 Years | Basic Nutrition, Food Microbiology, Fruits and Vegetable Technology, Food Engineering. |
47 | B.Tech. (Food Technology) | 4 Years | Dairy Plant Engineering, Biochemistry of Processing & Preservation, Food Fermentation Technology, Food Industry Waste Management. |
48 | B.Tech. (Footwear Technology) | 4 Years | – |
49 | B.Tech. (Genetic Engineering) | 4 Years | Principles of Environmental Science, Cell Biology, Enzyme Technology, Immunology, Genetics, and Cytogenetics. |
50 | B.Tech. (Geo Informatics Engineering) | 4 Years | Photogrammetry, Surveying, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Geo-Databases, GIS Programming. |
51 | B.Tech. (Geo Sciences Engineering) | 4 Years | Planning & Surveying, Statistical Method in Geosciences, Sedimentology, Geo-Thermal Science, Soil Mechanics, and Foundation Engineering. |
52 | B.Tech. (Hons.) (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) | 4 Years | Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments, Microprocessors, Engineering & Managerial Economics, Data Communication Networks. |
53 | B.Tech. (Hons.) (Industrial and Production Engineering) | 4 Years | Casting, Forming & Welding, Design of Machine Elements, Manufacturing Processes, Industrial Automation. |
54 | B.Tech. (Hons.) Mechanical Engineering | 4 Years | Theory of Machines, Dynamics of Machinery, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machines, Advanced Solid Mechanics. |
55 | B.Tech. (Hons.) Agricultural Engineering | 4 Years | Environment and Ecology, Engineering Thermodynamics, Material Science, Fluid Mechanics, Soil Mechanics. |
56 | B.Tech. (Hons.) Automobile Engineering | 4 Years | Materials Technology, Theory of Automotive Engines, Fluid Power Control, Automotive Electrical Systems, Automotive Transmission. |
57 | B.Tech. (Hons.) Biotechnology | 4 Years | Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Biomedical Instrumentation, Medical Imaging Techniques, Basic Pathology, and Basic Microbiology. |
58 | B.Tech. (Hons.) Chemical Engineering | 4 Years | Bio-molecular Engineering, Ceramics, Corrosion Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Industrial Gas. |
59 | B.Tech. (Hons.) Civil Engineering | 4 Years | Soil Mechanics, Steel Structure Design, Irrigation Engg. and Hydrology, Foundation Engineering. |
60 | B.Tech. (Hons.) Computer Science and Engineering | 4 Years | Logical & Functional Programming, Telecommunication Fundamentals, Information Theory and Coding, Computer Networks, Design & Analysis of Algorithms. |
61 | B.Tech. (Hons.) Electrical Communication Engineering | 4 Years | – |
62 | B.Tech. (Hons.) Petroleum Engineering | 4 Years | Petroleum Formation Evaluation, Improved Oil Recovery and Reservoir Simulation, Petroleum Exploration, Petroleum Refining Technology. |
63 | B.Tech. (Humanities and Management) | 4 Years | – |
64 | B.Tech. (Industrial and Production Engineering) | 4 Years | Metallurgy and Heat Treatment, Manufacturing Processes, Production Planning and Control, Casting, Forming & Welding, Industrial Automation. |
65 | B.Tech. (Industrial Biotechnology) | 4 Years | Bioinformatics, Bioprocess Engineering, Bioethics, Immunology, Genetic Engineering. |
66 | B.Tech. (Industrial Engineering and Management) | 4 Years | Financial Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Operations Research, Supply Chain, Ergonomics. |
67 | B.Tech. (Industrial Engineering) | 4 Years | Management of Inventory Systems, Casting, Forming and Welding, Engineering Economy, Costing and Accounting. |
68 | B.Tech. (Industrial Microbiology) | 4 Years | Elementary Biology, Biophysics, Mechanics & Transport Process, Molecular Biology, Enzymology & Enzyme Technology. |
69 | B.Tech. (Information and Communication Technology) | 4 Years | – |
70 | B.Tech. (Information Science and Engineering) | 4 Years | Networking, Operating Systems, Design and analysis of Algorithms, Database Management, File Structures. |
71 | B.Tech. (Information Technology) | 4 Years | Computer Communication Network, Introduction to Web Technology, Management Information Systems, Applications of Microprocessor. |
72 | B.Tech. (Infrastructure Engineering) | 4 Years | Computer-Aided Engineering Graphics, Concrete Technology, Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics, Water Resource Engineering. |
73 | B.Tech. (Instrumentation and Control Engineering) | 4 Years | Linear Electronics, Control System Components, Applied Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Biomedical Instrumentation. |
74 | B.Tech. (Instrumentation Engineering) | 4 Years | Basics of Industrial Sociology, Economics, and Management, Linear Integrated Circuits, Control System Components, Fuzzy Logic Control. |
75 | B.Tech. (Leather Technology) | 4 Years | Leather Goods and Garment Technology, Footwear Technology, Organisation and Management of Leather Manufacture, Tannery Waste Management. |
76 | B.Tech. (Mainframe Technology) | 4 Years | Software Engineering and UML, Z/OS services, Advanced IDE, HTML Programming, Storage Technology Foundation. |
77 | B.Tech. (Manufacturing & Management) | 4 Years | – |
78 | B.Tech. (Manufacturing Technology) | 4 Years | Modern methods of manufacture, Metal Cutting and Machine Tools, Materials Handling and Automation, Engineering Metrology. |
79 | B.Tech. (Marine Engineering) | 4 Years | Marine Boiler and Steam Engineering, Marine IC Engineering, Ship Construction, Naval Architecture, Power Plant Operation. |
80 | B.Tech. (Material Science Engineering) | 4 Years | Industrial Economics, Phase Equilibrium in Materials, Fundamentals of Materials Processing, Industrial Management. |
81 | B.Tech. (Mathematics and Computing) | 4 Years | Discrete Mathematics, Digital Design, Data Structures and Algorithms, Monte Carlo Simulation, Data Communication. |
82 | B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) | 4 Years | Theory of Machines, Machine Drawing and Computer Graphics, Dynamics of Machinery, Electrical Machines and Control. |
83 | B.Tech. (Mechatronics Engineering) | 4 Years | Materials Technology, Mathematics for Mechatronic Systems, Instrumentation and Control Systems, Manufacturing Technology. |
84 | B.Tech. (Medical Electronics) | 4 Years | Logic Design, Electronic Instrumentation, Microcontrollers, Signals & Systems, Biomedical Instrumentation, Biological Control Systems. |
85 | B.Tech. (Metallurgical Engineering) | 4 Years | Metallurgical Thermodynamics, Mineral Beneficiation, Transport Phenomena, Elements of Physical Metallurgy, Machine Elements, and Machining. |
86 | B.Tech. (Metallurgy) | 4 Years | – |
87 | B.Tech. (Mineral Engineering) | 4 Years | Environmental Engineering & Safety, Optimization Engineering, Mining Methods & Unit Operation, Material Handling Systems. |
88 | B.Tech. (Mining Engineering) | 4 Years | Environmental Aspects of Mining, Industrial Management, Design of Engineering Structures, Rock Mechanics. |
89 | B.Tech. (Missile Technology) | 4 Years | – |
90 | B.Tech. (Nanotechnology) | 4 Years | Elements of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nanochemistry, Microscopy to Nanoscopy, Micro and Nanofabrication. |
91 | B.Tech. (Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering) | 4 Years | – |
92 | B.Tech. (Nuclear Power Technology) | 4 Years | – |
93 | B.Tech. (Nuclear Science & Engineering) | 4 Years | Molecular and Cell Biology, Computer in Reactor Analysis, Reactor Theory, and Kinetics. |
94 | B.Tech. (Oil & Gas Informatics) | 4 Years | Storage Technology Foundation, Understanding Petrochemicals, Production Engineering. |
95 | B.Tech. (Optics and Optoelectronics) | 3 Years | – |
96 | B.Tech. (Packaging Technology) | 4 Years | – |
97 | B.Tech. (Paint Technology) | 4 Years | – |
98 | B.Tech. (Petrochemical Engineering) | 4 Years | Petroleum Geology and Exploration, Petrochemical Process, Modelling and Simulation, Advanced Petroleum Refining. |
99 | B.Tech. (Pharmaceutical Technology) | 4 Years | Pharmaceutical process calculation, Pharmaceutical Engineering Laws, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Physiology & Pharmacology, Chemical & Biothermodynamics. |
100 | B.Tech. (Physical Sciences) | 4 Years | Remote Sensing and Applications, Classical Mechanics, Earth System Science, Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences. |
101 | B.Tech. (Plastic Technology) | 4 Years | Basics of Polymers, Polymer Physics, Latex Technology, Plastics Processing and Machinery, Technology of Tires and Tubes. |
102 | B.Tech. (Polymer Engineering) | 4 Years | Plastics Product Design, PVC Piping, Latex Product Manufacturing, Manufacturing of Transmission Systems. |
103 | B.Tech. (Polymer Technology) | 4 Years | Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Structure, and Property Relationship, Physical Chemistry of Polymers, Polymer Compounding Technology. |
104 | B.Tech. (Power Engineering) | 3 Years | Thermodynamics, Materials Science and Technology, Advance Power Generation Technology, Power System Operation. |
105 | B.Tech. (Power System Engineering) | 4 Years | Power Generation Engineering, Power Plant Electrical Machines & Systems, Power Transmission, Power Electronics & Electrical Drives. |
106 | B.Tech. (Printing Technology) | 4 Years | Flexography, Graphic Design, Electronic Composition, Gravure Technology, Printing Management. |
107 | B.Tech. (Production Engineering) | 4 Years | Metallurgy & Material Science, Electrical Technology, Metrology and Instrumentation, Dynamics of Machinery. |
108 | B.Tech. (Robotics Engineering) | 4 Years | Rigid Body Velocity, Jacobian, Mechanical Designs, Forward Kinematics, Force Control, and Haptics. |
109 | B.Tech. (Rubber Technology) | 4 Years | Polymer Science and Technology, Plastics Technology, Specialty Polymers, Synthetic Rubbers. |
110 | B.Tech. (Safety and Fire Engineering) | 4 Years | Disaster Mitigation, Fire Communication Systems, Hydraulics, Town Planning. |
111 | B.Tech. (Silk Technology) | 4 Years | Silk Reeling Technology, Silk Fabric Manufacturer, Yarn Manufacture, Knitting Technology. |
112 | B.Tech. (Software Engineering) | 4 Years | Computer Networks, Software Testing, Software Design, Software Architecture. |
113 | B.Tech. (Space Technology) | 4 Years | Introduction to Space Vehicle, Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics, Environmental Science and Engineering. |
114 | B.Tech. (Telecommunication Engineering) | 4 Years | Fuzzy logic and Neural Networks, Digital Systems, Digital Communication, VHDL, and VLSI. |
115 | B.Tech. (Textile Chemistry) | 4 Years | Yarn Formation, Fabric Formation, Information Technology in Textile, Design, and Structure of Fabric. |
116 | B.Tech. (Textile Engineering) | 4 Years | Fabric Manufacturer, Textile Chemical Processing, Yarn Manufacturer. |
117 | B.Tech. (Urban & Regional Planning) | 4 Years | – |
118 | B.Tech. (Water Resources Engineering) | 4 Years | Water Control and Measurement, Water Resources Engineering, Surface drainage Systems, Groundwater Technology. |