The Power of Paradox PDF

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The Power of Paradox

The Power of Paradox

The paradox arises from the logical tension between seemingly valid statements or ideas that cannot simultaneously be true. They help us make sense of a world that seems to make no sense. In the Heartfulness way of living, Viveka and Vairagya are two techniques that provide the bedrock for a good life.

The book explores twenty-two everyday paradoxes combined with spiritual and scientific inquiry. Helmed by the Heartfulness way of living, these practices will help one clear the mind and unburden the emotions of the heart.

The Power of Paradox Summary

Enduring power comes from empathy and giving. Above all, power is given to us by other people. This is what we all too often forget, and it is the crux of the power paradox: by misunderstanding the behaviors that helped us to gain power in the first place we set ourselves up to fall from power.

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