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RTO Exam Questions

RTO Exam Question and Answer

The RTO (Regional Transport Office) exam typically refers to exams conducted by government authorities in various countries to issue driving licenses, permits, and to assess the knowledge of road rules and regulations.

RTO Exam Question and Answer

Question: What does a triangular road sign with a red border indicate?

Answer: It indicates a warning or caution, often for hazardous conditions ahead.

Question: What is the purpose of a yellow road sign?

Answer: Yellow road signs usually indicate warnings or cautions about upcoming hazards or changes in road conditions.

Question: What should you do when approaching a stop sign?

Answer: Come to a complete stop, yield to any vehicles or pedestrians with the right of way, and proceed only when it’s safe to do so.

Question: What is the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers in most regions?

Answer: The legal BAC limit for drivers is typically 0.08% in many regions.

Question: What is the purpose of a white line on the road?

Answer: White lines on the road indicate lane markings, separating lanes of traffic and guiding drivers.

Question: What does a solid double yellow line in the center of the road indicate?

Answer: A solid double yellow line indicates that passing is prohibited in both directions.

Question: What does a blue road sign typically indicate?

Answer: Blue road signs usually provide information about services, facilities, or tourist attractions.

Question: What does a round road sign with a red border and a white interior indicate?

Answer: It indicates an instruction that drivers must follow, such as a mandatory direction to turn.

Question: What does a broken white line on the road indicate?

Answer: A broken white line indicates that passing is allowed if it is safe to do so.

Question: What should you do if you encounter a school bus with its stop sign extended and lights flashing?

Answer: You must stop and wait until the bus retracts its stop sign and turns off its lights, regardless of which direction you are traveling.

Question: What does a green traffic light indicate?

Answer: A green traffic light indicates that you have the right of way to proceed through the intersection if it is clear.

Question: What should you do if you miss your exit on a highway?

Answer: Continue to the next exit and double back, rather than attempting to make a dangerous maneuver to exit at the missed point.

Question: What does a “yield” sign mean?

Answer: A “yield” sign indicates that you must give the right of way to other vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists, if there is any conflicting traffic.

Question: What is the purpose of an anti-lock braking system (ABS) in a vehicle?

Answer: ABS prevents wheels from locking up during braking, helping the driver maintain control and stopping distances.

Question: What does a red traffic light indicate?

Answer: A red traffic light indicates that you must come to a complete stop and remain stopped until the light turns green.

RTO Traffic Signs Chart

RTO Traffic Signs Chart
RTO Traffic Signs Chart

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