Rubik’s nxnxn Cube Algorithms PDF

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Rubik’s nxnxn Cube Algorithms

Rubik’s nxnxn Cube Algorithms

The Rubik’s nxnxn Cube algorithms are essential for anyone looking to solve this intricate puzzle. The Professor’s Cube is an advanced version of the classic Rubik’s Cube and the Rubik’s Revenge, featuring five rotating slices. This fascinating cube consists of 98 individual pieces known as cubies: 8 corner cubies (with 3 stickers each), 36 edge cubies (with 2 stickers), and 54 center cubies (each having one sticker only).

At first glance, the Professor’s Cube shares a unique characteristic with the original Rubik’s Cube: it has one fixed cubie at the center of each face.

Understanding Rubik’s nxnxn Cube Algorithms

The ‘even cube’ always includes 8 corner cubies, each with 3 possible orientations. The count of edges and centers varies according to the value of n. Notably, both the number of centers and edges is even. Specifically, the number of center cubies can be expressed as c = 6(n−2)², while the number of edges can be calculated as e = 12(n−2). For the case of the Rubik’s Revenge (where n = 4), we find that c = e = 24. Interestingly, when n = 2, we encounter a scenario with no edges or centers, just corners! This forms the 2 × 2 × 2 cube, commonly known as the Pocket Cube.

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