Verbs Forms List
Verbs are essential parts of English grammar that show action or a state of being. Understanding the different verb forms can help you improve your English skills, making your communication clearer and more effective. Recognizing verbs is sometimes easy by looking at their position in a sentence. For instance, the suffixes -ify, -ize, -ate, or -en usually indicate that a word is a verb, just like in examples such as typifying, characterize, irrigate, and sweeten.
Understanding the Five Forms of Verbs
Verbs can be classified into five important forms in English. These forms include:
- The base form
- The present tense form (which may include agreement endings)
- The past tense form
- The present participle
- The past participle
Why Knowing Verb Forms is Important
Learning these verb forms can greatly help in writing and speaking. When you master verbs, you can express yourself better and make your sentences more interesting. If you want to deepen your understanding, take a look at our PDF on verb forms and download it for easy reference!
Verbs Forms List
Base Form (V1) | Past Form(V2) | Past Participle Form(V3) |
abash | abashed | abashed |
abate | abated | abated |
abide | abode | abode |
absorb | absorbed | absorbed |
accept | accepted | accepted |
accompany | accompanied | accompanied |
ache | ached | ached |
achieve | achieved | achieved |
acquire | acquired | acquired |
act | acted | acted |
add | added | added |
address | addressed | addressed |
adjust | adjusted | adjusted |
admire | admired | admired |
admit | admitted | admitted |
advise | advised | advised |
afford | afforded | afforded |
agree | agreed | agreed |
alight | alit | alit |
allow | allowed | allowed |
animate | animated | animated |
announce | announced | announced |
answer | answered | answered |
apologize | apologized | apologized |
appear | appeared | appeared |
applaud | applauded | applauded |
apply | applied | applied |
approach | approached | approached |
approve | approved | approved |
argue | argued | argued |
arise | arose | arisen |
arrange | arranged | arranged |
arrest | arrested | arrested |
ask | asked | asked |
assert | asserted | asserted |
assort | assorted | assorted |
astonish | astonished | astonished |
attack | attacked | attacked |
attend | attended | attended |
attract | attracted | attracted |
audit | audited | audited |
avoid | avoided | avoided |
awake | awoke | awoken |
bang | banged | banged |
banish | banished | banished |
bash | bashed | bashed |
bat | batted | batted |
be (am,are) | was / were | been |
bear | bore | born |
bear | bore | borne |
beat | beat | beaten |
beautify | beautified | beautified |
become | became | become |
befall | befell | befallen |
beg | begged | begged |
begin | began | begun |
behave | behaved | behaved |
behold | beheld | beheld |
believe | believed | believed |
belong | belonged | belonged |
bend | bent | bent |
bereave | bereft | bereft |
beseech | besought | besought |
bet | bet | bet |
betray | betrayed | betrayed |
bid | bade | bidden |
bid | bid | bid |
bind | bound | bound |
bite | bit | bitten |
bleed | bled | bled |
bless | blessed | blessed |
blossom | blossomed | blossomed |
blow | blew | blown |
blur | blurred | blurred |
blush | blushed | blushed |
board | boarded | boarded |
boast | boasted | boasted |
boil | boiled | boiled |
bow | bowed | bowed |
box | boxed | boxed |
bray | brayed | brayed |
break | broke | broken |
breathe | breathed | breathed |
breed | bred | bred |
bring | brought | brought |
broadcast | broadcast | broadcast |
brush | brushed | brushed |
build | built | built |
burn | burnt | burnt |
burst | burst | burst |
bury | buried | buried |
bust | bust | bust |
buy | bought | bought |
buzz | buzzed | buzzed |
calculate | calculated | calculated |
call | called | called |
canvass | canvassed | canvassed |
capture | captured | captured |
caress | caressed | caressed |
carry | carried | carried |
Verb Forms with Hindi Meaning List
Main Form (V1) | Hindi Meaning | 2nd form (V2) | 3rd form (V3) |
Abash | लज्जित करना | Abashed | Abashed |
Abate | रोक-थाम करना | Abated | Abated |
Abide | रहना, टिकना | Abode | Abode |
Absorb | सोख लेना | Absorbed | Absorbed |
Accept | स्वीकार करना | Accepted | Accepted |
Ache | पीड़ा होना | Ached | Ached |
Achieve | हासिल करना | Achieved | Achieved |
Acquire | प्राप्त करना | Acquired | Acquired |
Act | अभिनय करना | Acted | Acted |
Activate | सक्रीय होना | Activated | Activated |
Actuate | उकसाना | Actuated | Actuated |
Add | जोड़ना | Added | Added |
Address | संबोधित करना | Addressed | Addressed |
Adjust | संबोधित करना | Adjusted | Adjusted |
Admire | प्रशंसा करना | Admired | Admired |
Admit | भर्ती होना, करना | Admitted | Admitted |
Advise | सलाह देना | Advised | Advised |
Affect | प्रभाव डालना | Affected | Affected |
Afford | बर्दास्त करना | Afforded | Afforded |
Agree | सहमत होना | Agreed | Agreed |
Aim | लक्ष होना, इरादा रखना | Aimed | Aimed |
Alert | चेतावनी देना | Alerted | Alerted |
Alight | प्रदीप्त करना | Alighted | Alighted |
Allow | अनुमति देना | Allowed | Allowed |
Amuse | मन बहलाना | Amused | Amused |
Analyze | विश्लेषण करना | analyzed | analyzed |
Animate | उत्तेजित, चेतन करना | Animated | Animated |
Announce | घोषणा करना | Announced | Announced |
Annoy | सताना, गुस्सा दिलाना | Annoyed | Annoyed |
Answer | उत्तर देना | Answered | Answered |
Apologize | क्षमा मांगना | Apologized | Apologized |
Appear | दिखना, प्रकट होना | Appeared | Appeared |
Applaud | सराहना | Applauded | Applauded |
Apply | लागू करना | Applied | Applied |
Appreciate | सरहना करना | Appreciated | Appreciated |
Approach | निकट आना, प्रस्ताव करना | Approached | Approached |
Approve | मंजूर करना | Approved | Approved |
Argue | बहस करना | Argued | Argued |
Arise | उठना | Arose | Arisen |
Arrange | व्यवस्था करना | Arranged | Arranged |
Arrest | गिरफ्तार करना | Arrested | Arrested |
Ask | पूछना | Asked | Asked |
Assemble | इक्कठा करना | Assembled | Assembled |
Assert | दावा करना, जोर देना | Asserted | Asserted |
Assort | छांटना | Assorted | Assorted |
Assume | मानना, ग्राह्य धरना | Assumed | Assumed |
Astonish | चकित करना | Astonished | Astonished |
Attach | सलग्न करना | Attached | Attached |
Attack | आक्रमण करना | Attacked | Attacked |
Attain | हासिल, प्राप्त करना | Attained | Attained |
Attempt | प्रयास, प्रयत्न करना | Attempted | Attempted |
Attend | किसी समारोह में भाग लेना | Attended | Attended |
Attract | आकर्षित करना | Attracted | Attracted |
Audit | लेखा-जोखा करना | Audited | Audited |
Avoid | किसी को टालना, नजरअंदाज | Avoided | Avoided |
Awake | जागना, चौकन्ना | Awoke | Awoken |
Award | पुरष्कार, बक्षिस देना | Awarded | Awarded |
Back | पीछे हटना | Backed | Backed |
Backbite | चुगली करना | Backbit | Backbitten |
Bake | सेंकना | Baked | Baked |
Balance | संतुलन बनाना | Balanced | Balanced |
Ban | प्रतिबन्ध, रोक लगाना | Banned | Banned |
Bang | गरजना | Banged | Banged |
Banish | निर्वासित करना | Banished | Banished |
Bare | नग्न करना | Bared | Bared |
Bark | भौकना | Barked | Barked |
Bash | जोरसे मारना, घुमाकर मारना | Bashed | Bashed |
Bat | बल्लेबाजी करना | Batted | Batted |
Bathe | स्नान करना | Bathed | Bathed |
Battle | युद्ध करना, संघर्ष | Battled | Battled |
Be | होना | Was | Been |
Beam | प्रकाश डालना | Beamed | Beamed |
Bear | सहना, सहन करना | Bore | Borne |
Beat | हराना | Beat | Beaten |
Beautify | सुशोभित करना | Beautified | Beautified |
Become | होना | Became | Become |
Befall | घटित होना, बीतना | Befell | Befallen |
Beg | भीख में मांगना | Begged | Begged |
Beget | पैदा करना, प्रजनन करना | Begot | Begotten |
Begin | प्रारंभ, शुरू करना | Began | Begun |
Behave | बर्ताव करना | Behaved | Behaved |
Behold | ध्यान से देखना, निहारना | Beheld | Beheld |
Believe | मानना | Believed | Believed |
Belong | का निवासी होना, संबध रखना | Belonged | Belonged |
Bend | झुकना | Bent | Bent |
Benefit | लाभ होना | Benefitted | Benefitted |
Bereave | वंचित करना | Bereaved | Bereaved |
Beseech | प्रार्थना करना | Besought | Besought |
Bestow | प्रदान करना | Bestowed | Bestowed |
Bet | शर्त लगाना | Bet | Bet |
Betray | प्रकट करना | Betrayed | Betrayed |
Bias | पक्षपात करना | Biased | Biased |
Bid | बोली लगाना | Bade | Bidden |
Bind | बांधना, जकड़ना | Bound | Bound |
Bite | कांटना | Bit | Bitten |
Bleed | खून बहना | Bled | Bled |
Bless | आशीर्वाद देना | Blessed | Blessed |
Blind | अंधा, धुंधला कर देना | Blinded | Blinded |
Blink | पलक झपकना | Blinked | Blinked |
Block | बंद कर देना | Blocked | Blocked |
Blossom | खिलना | Blossomed | Blossomed |
Blot | धब्बा, दाग लगाना | Blotted | Blotted |
Blow | उडाना, आघात करना | Blew | Blown |
Blur | धुंधला कर देना | Blurred | Blurred |
Blush | शरमाना | Blushed | Blushed |
Board | चढ़ना | Boarded | Boarded |
Boast | बढ़-बढ़कर बातें करना | Boasted | Boasted |
Boil | उबालना | Boiled | Boiled |
Boost | तेज करना, बढ़ावा | Boosted | Boosted |
Bore | उबा देना, दुखी करना | Bored | Bored |
Borrow | उधार लेना | Borrowed | Borrowed |
Bounce | उछालना | Bounced | Bounced |
Brace | संभालना | Braced | Braced |
Brake | रोकना | Braked | Braked |
Branch | विभाजित होना | Branched | Branched |
Bray | मसलना, चूर करना | Brayed | Brayed |
Break | तोड़ना | Broke | Broken |
Breathe | साँस लेना | Breathed | Breathed |
Breed | नस्ल बढाना, पालन-पोषण करना | Bred | Bred |
Brew | शराब बनाना | Brewed | Brewed |
Brief | सक्षिप्त करना | Briefed | Briefed |
Bring | लाना | Brought | Brought |
Broadcast | प्रसारित करना | Broadcast | Broadcast |
Broaden | व्यापक बनाना, विसृत बनाना | Broadened | Broadened |
Browbeat | धमकाना | Browbeat | Browbeat |
Bruise | चोट लगाना | Bruised | Bruised |
Brush | ब्रश करना, दांत सांफ करना | Brushed | Brushed |
Build | निर्माण करना | Built | Built |
Burn | जलाना | Burnt | Burnt |
Burst | फटना, फोड़ना | Burst | Burst |
Bury | दफनाना, गाढ़ देना | Buried | Buried |
Bust | छापा मारना | Bust | Bust |
Buy | खरीदना | Bought | Bought |
Buzz | गुंजन करना, भनभनाना | Buzzed | Buzzed |
Calculate | हिसाब लगाना,अनुमान लगाना | Calculated | Calculated |
Calibrate | मापना | Calibrated | Calibrated |
Call | पुकारना, बुलाना | Called | Called |
Canvass | जांचना/परखना ,वोट/चंदा माँगना | Canvassed | Canvassed |
Capture | पकड़ना | Captured | Captured |
Care | चिंता करना, देखभाल करना | Cared | Cared |
Caress | हाथ फेरना, लाड़ करना | Caressed | Caressed |
Carry | ले जाना | Carried | Carried |
Carve | काटना | Carved | Carved |
Cash | नक़द चुनाना | Cashed | Cashed |
Cast | ढालना,पछाड़ना | Cast | Cast |
Catch | पकड़ना, झेलना | Caught | Caught |
Cause | कारण होना, कारण बनना | Caused | Caused |
Cease | रोकना/समाप्त करना | Ceased | Ceased |
Celebrate | मनाना/उत्सव मनाना | Celebrated | Celebrated |
Chain | जकड देना | Chained | Chained |
Challenge | चुनौती देना | Challenged | Challenged |
Change | बदलना | Changed | Changed |
Charge | दाम लगाना | Charged | Charged |
Chase | पीछा करना | Chased | Chased |
Chat | गपशप करना | Chatted | Chatted |
Cheat | ठगना, फ़साना | Cheated | Cheated |
Check | जाँचना | Checked | Checked |
Cheer | उत्साहित करना,साहस बढ़ाना | Cheered | Cheered |
Chew | चबाना | Chewed | Chewed |
Chide | डांटना | Chid | Chidden |
Chill | ठंडा होना, लगना | Chilled | Chilled |
Chip | तोड़ना | Chipped | Chipped |
Choke | गला घोंटना, दम घोंटना | Choked | Choked |
Choose | चुनना | Chose | Chosen |
Chop | तुकडे करना | Chopped | Chopped |
Circulate | फैलाना, चारो-और भेजना | Circulated | Circulated |
Claim | दावा करना | Claimed | Claimed |
Clap | ताली बजाना | Clapped | Clapped |
Classify | वर्गीकरण करना | Classified | Classified |
Clean | सांफ करना | Cleaned | Cleaned |
Clear | निर्मल करना | Cleared | Cleared |
Cleave | फोड़ना | Clove | Cloven |
Click | उंगली से टपटपाना, क्लिक करना | Clicked | Clicked |
Climb | चढना | Climbed | Climbed |
Cling | लिपटना,चिपटना,बांधे रखना | Clung | Clung |
Close | बंद करना | Closed | Closed |
Clothe | उढ़ाना, ढकना | Clad | Clad |
Club | इक्कठा हो जाना, जोड़कर रखना | Clubbed | Clubbed |
Clue | संकेत देना | Clued | Clued |
Clutch | क्लच, पकड़ | Clutched | Clutched |
Coach | गुण सीखना, ट्रेन करना | Coached | Coached |
Coil | लपेटना | Coiled | Coiled |
Collapse | ढहना, भहरना | Collapsed | Collapsed |
Collect | इकट्ठा करना, जमा करना | Collected | Collected |
Color | रंगना,रंग देना | Colored | Colored |
Comb | कंघी करना | Combed | Combed |
Come | आना | Came | Come |
Comment | टिपण्णी करना | Commented | Commented |
Commission | नियुक्त करना | Commissioned | Commissioned |
Commit | वादा करना | Committed | Committed |
Communicate | संपर्क करना | Communicated | Communicated |
Compare | तुलना करना | Compared | Compared |
Compel | दबाव डालना, मजबूर करना | Compelled | Compelled |
Compete | मुक़ाबला करना, प्रतियोगिता करना | Competed | Competed |
Complain | शिकायत करना | Complained | Complained |
Complete | समाप्त करना | Completed | Completed |
Conceive | कल्पना करना | Conceived | Conceived |
Concentrate | ध्यान देना | Concentrated | Concentrated |
Concern | दिलचस्पी लेना | Concerned | Concerned |
Conclude | निष्कर्ष निकालना | Concluded | Concluded |
Conduct | आचरण करना,नेतृत्व करना | Conducted | Conducted |
Confess | मानना, कबुल करना | Confessed | Confessed |
Confine | सिमित करना, प्रतिबंधित करना | Confined | Confined |
Confiscate | ज़ब्त करना | Confiscated | Confiscated |
Confuse | उलझना, भ्रमित होना | Confused | Confused |
Congratulate | बधाई देना | Congratulated | Congratulated |
Connect | जोड़ना,मिलाना | Connected | Connected |
Connote | जताना,भाव बतलाना, | Connoted | Connoted |
Conquer | जितना | Conquered | Conquered |
Consecrate | ज्ञान देना | Consecrated | Consecrated |
Consent | सहमती देना | Consented | Consented |
Conserve | सुरक्षित करना | Conserved | Conserved |
Consider | विचार करना | Considered | Considered |
Consign | सुपुर्द करना, भेजना | Consigned | Consigned |
Consist | बना होना, अनुकूल होना | Consisted | Consisted |
Console | दिलासा देना | Consoled | Consoled |
Consort | बातचीत करना | Consorted | Consorted |
Conspire | मिल जाना | Conspired | Conspired |
Constitute | गठित करना | Constituted | Constituted |
Constrain | विवश करना, मजबूर करना | Constrained | Constrained |
Construct | निर्माण करना | Constructed | Constructed |
Construe | टीका करना | Construed | Construed |
Consult | परामर्श करना, सलाह लेना | Consulted | Consulted |
Consume | उपभोग करना, काम में लाना | Consumed | Consumed |
Contain | समाविष्ट करना | Contained | Contained |
Contemn | नफ़रत करना, घिनाना | Contemned | Contemned |
Contend | संघर्ष करना | Contended | Contended |
Contest | प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेना | Contested | Contested |
Continue | जारी रहना | Continued | Continued |
Contract | ठेका लेना | Contracted | Contracted |
Contradict | खंडन करना | Contradicted | Contradicted |
Contrast | विषमता दिखाना | Contrasted | Contrasted |
Contribute | योगदान करना | Contributed | Contributed |
Contrive | उपाय निकालना, योजना करना | Contrived | Contrived |
Control | नियंत्रण करना,काबू पाना | Controlled | Controlled |
Convene | बुलाना, आमन्त्रित करना | Convened | Convened |
Converge | मिलना | Converged | Converged |
Converse | बातचीत करना | Conversed | Conversed |
Convert | रूपांतरित करना | Converted | Converted |
Convey | पहुंचाना | Conveyed | Conveyed |
Convict | अपराधी घोषित करना | Convicted | Convicted |
Convince | मनवाना,मनाना | Convinced | Convinced |
Coo | कूजना, धीमी आवाज में कहना | Cooed | Cooed |
Cook | भोजन बनाना, पकाना | Cooked | Cooked |
Cool | ठंडा करना | Cooled | Cooled |
Co-operate | सहयोग देना | Co-operated | Co-operated |
Cope | डटकर मुकाबला करना, लड़ना | Coped | Coped |
Copy | नक़ल करना | Copied | Copied |
Correct | सही करना,दुरुस्त करना | Corrected | Corrected |
Correspond | मेल खाना, समान होना | Corresponded | Corresponded |
Corrode | खुरचना | Corroded | Corroded |
Corrupt | भ्रष्ट होना,दूषित करना | Corrupted | Corrupted |
Cost | किसी मूल्य का होना | Cost | Cost |
Cough | खांसना | Coughed | Coughed |
Counsel | सलाह देना | Counselled | Counselled |
Count | गिनती गिनना | Counted | Counted |
Course | कोर्स करना, पार करना | Coursed | Coursed |
Cover | ढंकना, छुपाना | Covered | Covered |
Cower | झुकना या पीछे हटना | Cowered | Cowered |
Crack | टूटना,तड़कना | Cracked | Cracked |
Crackle | चिड़चिड़ाना, भड़कना | Crackled | Crackled |
Cram | ठूसना | Crammed | Crammed |
Crash | टकराना, धमाका करना | Crashed | Crashed |
Crave | लालसा/अभिलाषा करना | Craved | Craved |
Crawl | खुशामद करना/घिसटना | Crawled | Crawled |
Create | तैयार करना,रचना करना | Created | Created |
Creep | रेंगना | Crept | Crept |
Cremate | दाह संस्कार करना(जलाना) | Cremated | Cremated |
Crib | पालना | Cribbed | Cribbed |
Cripple | लंगड़ा के चलना | Crippled | Crippled |
Cross | पार करना | Crossed | Crossed |
Crossbreed | संकरण करना | Crossbred | Crossbred |
Crowd | भीड़ करना | Crowded | Crowded |
Crush | पीसना, मसलना | Crushed | Crushed |
Cry | रोना | Cried | Cried |
Cultivate | उगाना, विकसित करना | Cultivated | Cultivated |
Curb | नियंत्रण करना | Curbed | Curbed |
Cure | उपचार करना, इलाजकरना | Cured | Cured |
Curl | लपेटना | Curled | Curled |
Curve | मोड़ना, मुड़ना | Curved | Curved |
Cut | काटना, कटौती करना | Cut | Cut |
Cycle | घूमना, चक्कर लगाना | Cycled | Cycled |
Damage | हानि करना, क्षति पहुंचाना | Damaged | Damaged |
Damp | भिगाना, गीला करना | Damped | Damped |
Dance | नृत्य करना | Danced | Danced |
Dare | साहस करना, हिम्मत करना | Dared | Dared |
Dash | भागना, ढकेलना | Dashed | Dashed |